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River Thames now has Sea Horses?

I think they used to occur all over, including off NJ. Still plenty of pipefish if you seine. Those seahoreses were Hippocampus hudsonus, I believe.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
jimroth said:
I think they used to occur all over, including off NJ. Still plenty of pipefish if you seine. Those seahoreses were Hippocampus hudsonus, I believe.
They USED to be called H. hudsonius, correct. However after doing some more research they have been re-classified as H. erectus. That species is found from the tip of Florida all the way up to the coast of Mass and possibly further.

And yes they are still off of our coast and there numbers appear to be pretty good.

BTW, the ones listed in the article above are Hippocampus hippocampus.