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Just got an ORA frag (miami orchid) and see some white banding. The necrosis is growing at a slow rate. Is there any way to stop this from happening? All params are good and other frags are fine. It might have been damaged during shipping and do have a guarantee but I would like to save this piece if possible.
hi nathan.

argh~ reminds me of my monti-cap that withered away gradually. i broke the pieces that seemed to be farther away from the dying areas and tried to save the smaller pieces but alas they all succumbed to the same fate. my params, as you know, could have been way out of range that may have been the reason.

anyway, good luck dude.

RTN & STN are usually directly related to water issues, post you test results so we can see what your readings are, also what test brands you are using, are you using a refractometer or a swing arm to test your salinity?

I guarantee it's not water. I received it with a slight chip to it and it just grew. It's banding ever so slowly. It's also continuously being picked on by snails and hermits and I'm sure getting knocked down by them a few times did not help things. It's the only one that is having problems. I added about 3 SPS and 3 LPS at same time. All others extended polyps right away but this one. Don't think it will make it but I gotta at least give it a try. I came home just now and the band grew some more.

SG 1.025
Temp 79-80
pH 8.20-8.45
NH3 0
NO2 0
NO3 5
Ca 440
dKH 11
Mg did not test
If the flesh is not peeling away then it is not RTN or STN. What you are describing is recession and it is usually related to alk issues, if the tank that the frag came from had a lower alk then yours, that with the amount of stress caused by crabs and being knocked over is making it worse. I have bought corals with recession and after a couple of weeks would heal up just fine. Your alk is on the high side, if you can bring your alk down closer to 9 or set up a holding tank and put it in there so it won't get bothered and knocked around that would be best, also try to have the alk between 8.5 and 10 and it should come back. The only other thing would be to check where the recession is for AEFW's and other pests.

Yes it's recession. I don't actually see the tissue peeling off. The whitening just grows ever so slowly. When I got the frag, there was a slight nick already but didn't think anything of it. It was after I saw a hermit had knocked it over the next day did it become more noticable. I don't think my alk is tremendously high. It is inline with my expected calcium level. I could move it to another tank that is quieter and has alk around 9 dKH but I was worried about stressing the frag any further. I will try it tonight after lights out and see if that improves it.

Sorry to hear about your issues with your Miami Orchid. I agree with Tom that if it came from an environment with much lower alkalinity, that could be a factor. I'd also like to say that I try and keep my Alk at around 9-10, and my stonies let me know when it's higher because the tips begin to look fried (white). I guess because they're not used to it.

I found the Miami Orchid to be quite hardy. When I first got mine, I tried and get it off the ORA plug and accidentally cracked it in half and then some. I glued the 2 bigger pieces back together, stuck it in the tank, and now you'll never know what happened back then. It turned into a beautiful coral. If you end up losing yours, please feel free to stop by, and I'll be happy to snip you some of mine. :)
Thanks for offer Wendy. It seems to have stopped receeding today but I already lost about 1/3 of the coral. If it starts again, I guess I will move to other tank where the dKH is 9.
Well it started receeding again so I moved to other tank. Still not stopping. I already called up vendor and they just credited me for the purchase. Still, I would like to try to save it. Any specific dips to recommend? Should I frag the healthy pieces?
Did you look for pests? If the recession isn't cause by pests and you dip, it will most likely die, try to find a spot it won't be bothered and leave it be, SPS usually takes up to 2 weeks to adjust to a tank. The only other thing to try would be to use glue over the receded area, sometimes it works, sometimes it can cause it to spread, since you just moved it to the other tank I would wait at least a week before trying.

Did not see any pests. However, hermits, snails, amphipods are all nibbling at the decay. It is not in other tank where it's a lot quieter and no hermits.