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shrimp are disapearing

I have lost two cleaner shrimp, one fire shrimp and a coral bandind. Everything else in the tank is doing great. Water is ok. Is it possible that my six line wrasse or a large yellow coris wrasse are eating my shrimp. I have other fish but I can't imagine any of those being the culprits. If anyone has had problems with this and may have some ideas I would love to hear.
don't have shrimp in my tank - but if i were to bet - the coris wrasse would be it. between it and the sixline they could probably tag team and rip a molted shrimp apart. my yellow coris started small (slim like the firefish) but is now a big fat torpedo.
Yes the sad part is that I have not found any remnants of the shrimp. I guess if it is the two wrasses tag teaming I would rather do without shrimp because I enjoy watching these two swim around and they are both fat and happy.
If it is those two whatever is left is probably taken care of by your clean up crew . I saw a pj cardinal swallow a peperment shrimp whole . Half its head was sticking out of its mouth for the rest of the day . I think any fish will take a chance/nip if they think its food . Sux you had to loose the shrimp,but at least your fish are well fed . ;D
My money is on the wrasses. I think when any fish gets bigger they look at anything they can fit in their mouth as food
Nickjr000 said:
My money is on the wrasses. I think when any fish gets bigger they look at anything they can fit in their mouth as food

agreed...my yellow coris can barely fit a pellet in it's mouth and it will ram it's head into the LR to help crush the pellet. greedy pig.