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slipper/tounge coral wtt

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I have a 12+" slipper coral I'm looking to trade for a small plate or a sps of sorts. Lmk.

It's very flowie. Just takes up a lot of room in my small tank.

This is a video link.
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I think the issue is that its huge. >12" is a massive plate.
Try posting around if anyone wants to buy frags of it. Fungids are very hardy to fragging, here is an article on doing it
If has multiple "mouths" then it will take cutting even easier.

If you do end up fragging it, shoot me a pm I wouldn't mind getting a small one off ya.
I got a small bit of one for free that was broken of accidently in a lfs a few years back. Did well for a month or so, then ot vanished (I blame hermits). I have no reason to think it would not have grown and developed a mouth if left undisturbed.
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