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some type of plant growth

How do you get rid of this folks?
It only grows out of a couple of pieces Fiji that
I have for some reason. I have 0 phosphates in my water (RO/DI), 0 nitrates, I don't use iron, what is it coming from??
I've removed it before via scrubbing, but it just grew back.

Maybe you can help.


PS: Thanks for the Frags JROD!




Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Why do you want to get rid of it? I would feel special with exotic things growing as long as it doesn't change my parimeters.


NJRC Member
they are kind of nice looking...
are they bad? otherwise, i will swap my rock with you...


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The shrooms look healthy in the center of them, so they can't be that bad.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
They are a calcerous macro algae that is a common hitchhiker on Fiji LR. It is a member of the halymedia family if I remember right. Usually the will disappear on their own in due time.

Mike- That is their grown out form. I have only ever seen them as a single stalk.

looks like Francsis posted at the same time as I did.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Do they go asexual or anything like that? I like the lanscape look.
I can't remember what they were called but I remember someone on nano-reefs.com talking about them awhile ago... said they usually end up disappearing almost as fast as they came and never caused problems, I agree they are kind of neat looking... you could probably sell them as "exotic macro algae" on ebay :D
I just found this in my tank. I think they are kinda cool! They are growing and growing fast. I have seen them really big in other tanks and they kinda look fake like plastic or something!