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Something Fishy

:) Hello everyone, I'm new to the club and I'm excited about joining. I know the store is in PA but it's not to far from NJ and worth the drive. When my wife and I moved to PA we thought that an aquarium would add to the house and provide me with a hobby. From the day we visited Too Fishy we were hooked. We purchased a 75 Gallon All Glass tank with an oak stand, sump, Protein skimmer, Duel Satellite lights, UV sterilizer etc... We had the aquarium since October 2006 and have a great learning experience. So anyway, I hope this was helpful




Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome to the NJRC forums!

Thanks for the feedback on Something Fishy. If you get some time, you should go to the General Discussion forum and post a little about your self and your setup in the Introductions Thread.
Went to something fishy today and found the store to be awesome. I am new so I had a lot of questions and they spent a lot of time with me. Very professional operation will be the only store that I buy from. Well worth the drive.
Renee recommended this place a while ago and we finally took a ride out there this past weekend. Great place! Entirely saltwater, tanks were all spotless and the livestock looked healthy.

I'd like to see them get into more exotic corals, they have lots of space for them and most of their corals were pretty basic. Got some nice frags of zoos for $10 each though and they look great at home. And some inverts there I've never seen in stores...sea apples, cucumbers, etc.

Only negative was when we inquired about an Elegance Coral and it's care. What he told us is completely the opposite of how it should be kept once I looked it up online. That would have been an expensive mistake if we'd gotten it and placed it at the top like he suggested. But we held off on getting it and so no harm done.

The staff was really nice, lots of people on hand to help. Definitely recommend this place if you're in that neck of the woods.
Definitely a drive from Central NJ (Middletown, NJ) about 90 plus miles each way - but definitely worth the trip!!! Even though I have enough Wrasse (fish in general) in my reef tank I couldn't pass up the rare fishes they had in stock - a Red Hooded Wrasse Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus - supermale -$99 (usually over $250), Velvet Multicolor/Yellow Streaked Cirrhilabrus luteovittatus - supermale -$69 -supermales much more in other on line or retail, Scott's fairy Cirrhilabrus scottorum rare color almost-supermales from Vanuatu - $69 (usually more for this type), Golden Rhombard Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis - supermale- $149!! (usually $400 - 500 like at Marine center), BlackFin Condei (Cirrhilabrus condei) - SUPERMALE like you have never seen before - and females! - $69 each - again, a supermale like this is easily $150 or more, female price is average but they are hard to come by.

The only problem is the way they label the fish - if you don't know what you are looking at you won't know what you are buying - for example all the fish above that were $69.00 were labeled "wrasse-Scott's, the $99 ones were Wrasse, Flame and the Rhombard was labeled something else - (bring your reef fish identification handbook, invertebrate and coral handbooks.  If you go thru the trouble of asking the one or 2 know ledgable staff (one young guy in particular) he will go look up the fish from the wholesalers inventory and tell you exactly what it is - and since their display tanks are all very small (20 gallons or less) and have rocks and stuff for the fish to hide and the labels are tiny - you may miss a rare find or great deal - so you have to ask and they will serve!!1 Great Prices, Great Staff, Great store - no GAUREENTEE ON LIVESTOCK - and they are only open Sat and Sun until 5PM - allow 1 to 2 hours to get their depending how close you are to I-78 - and definitely allow time to stop at some of the other local places - like Sheer Heaven about 7 minutes away from Something Fishey - Great CORALS and CLAMS - Blows away any of the retailers in New Jersey that I have been to - about less than 1/2 the price as Absolutely Fish and the owner isn't nasty like Mr Absolutely (acts like a nasty NY guy). BTW Something Fishy has a decent supply of LPS/SPS - some great Blasto and Acans and decent Acros - picked up a frag for $15 of a bright Turquoise frag and a nice extra large frag (almost a head) of another brightly colored Acro - and a huge multicolored Acan for $65 (orange red and green) - Picked up beautiful Blastos at Sheer Heaven Pets and great clams, bright green plate, and a very unusual brightly colored Scolymia ??vitiensis - about 20% less than internet dealers  - this is about 4" around / deflated about double that size inflated - colors are incredible - he also carriers live photoplankton that he raises himself!!! - you can see his cultures in action

Take a ride to the country, great service, great people/conversation and great price - worth the trip (spent over $1300.00!!!!)
I will also add my $0.02

I have been to this store numerous times. I have purchased fish, coral, liverock and drygoods from them.

For online orders of inverts, they are great.

My absolute favorite part of the store are the frag tanks they have.

$10, $15 and $20 frags. You can really find some gems in there. When I had my nanocube I bought a $10 double ricordea polyp, $10 red blasto frags and a fw nice zoa frags.

If you have a nano you can comfortably stock with nice frags (blasto, LPS, acans, zoos, ricordea) for under $100

Get there early. Line forms when they open and you take a number when you walk in. If you arent in the first 10 people who walk in on Saturday (only open Sat & Sun) the frag tanks are cleaned out and the high-end designer fish are gone.