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Something is eating my Xenias

I have snails, red legged, and blue legged hermits, 2 clowns. Anybody have any ideas? Every thing else in my tank is entact.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hey Ghost,

I had this problem once. It was a Xenia Crab.

Look around the rock by your xenia's I happened to find mine easily..But I
think I was just lucky...

They are about the size of dime and white. I had 2 crabs wipe out a whole colony of xenia (I'm sure there are some people saying "GIVE ME ONE!" lol)

I have a pic. of one in my RC gallery.

I saw the picture of the crab. Never seen that in the tank. I had the xenia for a while. Is it possible one of the clowns are eating it?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Well..I got lucky finding 2 of those crabs in my overflow sponge. That is the only way I found them.

I originally thought all my xenia's were dying..Found those 2 little bastards and whamo! The xenia's came back with a vengence.