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"Special Interest groups"

... do Nano tanks really need to be in the Special Interest groups?

I think it should be part of the main bracket. It doesn't seem to fit the category

what do you guys think?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I never realized that. I guess it's because I never go to the Forums page. It does seem to make sense to me though, because it is a bit of a specialized part of the hobby. Just curious, what is your issue with it being there? (Not flaming, just curious)
"Special Interest groups" just sounds so corrupt!!

Plus the other two items on that bracket are not really in the same category;

Nano's really don't match the rest of the group

I think it would be better served if it was on the "Public Forums"
lithivm said:
"Special Interest groups" just sounds so corrupt!!

Plus the other two items on that bracket are not really in the same category;

Nano's really don't match the rest of the group

I think it would be better served if it was on the "Public Forums"

The Special Intrest Groups are part of the public forums in that anyone can see them. They're not private.

I don't mind where it goes but as a person that doesn't really get into nano tanks I do think it is a special intrest. Only because most people set up nanos as a sort of biotope and species spacific tank, which to me would fall into that category. I know not all of you guys are on that page but I myself have a nano for seahorses which again would fall into that special intrest category.
Just my two cents.

But again i don't mind where it goes.
Hey Mike! thanks for chiming in, I think you're the only person I know with a Nano tank that has seahorses so in your case it might be located in a Special group.

I think most people that have Nano's are running regular Reef systems with lighter loads.
I also see a lot of new people that start this hobby are starting out with a Nano tank.

It doesn't bother me where it is right now. It was just a suggestion.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The thoughts behind the new category was really to help organize the "piles" and make EVERYTHING a little easier to manage. Certainly if the bulk of the nano users would prefer another category for their forum, we'd consider moving it back. Just seems like with the increasing list of forums we're growing towards, breaking them into subgroups is going to make it easier for everyone.

Anyone else have any thoughts on the subject?
I don't care what area we are in personally so long as we have our own group. I would guess the perception of Nano tanks has changed from special group to more common hobbiest.
I'm 50/50 i understand why it should be there but i also understand why it shouldn't. This is just an idea but maybe a species specific tank forum (all size tanks for all size species) and then just have the tale of the tank be for all size tanks? Or maybe adding a species specific tank forum anyways lol It would be cool to see like ray and aggressive only tanks. Although i don't think there are many that have them around here.

There are certainly challenges that you have with a nano tank that you might not with a regular say 55G plus size tank.