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splitting ric. question?

Hey all,

i have a ricordia that is clearly splitting. I do not want tit to split and just blow away to whereever in the tank. What can I do to cut it off and place on a separate disc or rock? Is it okay to just snip with a razor or scissor?

Thank YOu

I'm not sure it will split unless the second half has a foot hold on a piece of rock. Usually when my rics split it usually stays where it splits.

If you wanted to hurry the process you can cut it with a razor but you can't glue them down to a rock. You would have to place it on a disc or rock and maybe put some bridal netting over it until it attaches by itself.
I agree with Mike, If it is splitting it will not blow away, the foot moves with it. If you want to move it, you can cut it at the base but you need some foot on the ricordia. and hold it down where you want it with bridal netting. Also you will get a new ricordia growing from the foot left behind on the old rock. I hope this helps



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
They can blow away if the rock is too crowded and they can't get a hold with their foot.
I was having this problem weekly so I pointed a power head behind the rocks to blow the Ric's. out to the front of the tank. That's where they sit now attaching to the gravel so I can glue them to the rocks.