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Star Polyps

Hi All,

I've had my tank on the back burner for a few years. Haven't done a water change in about that long as well. The tank looks great no issues other than the star polyps have taken over most of my rock work. There like complete mats covering the entire surface of most rocks. The question is...How do I get rid of it. I plan to break down the tank as its needs to be replaced and would like to use the same rock in the new tank. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. JoeB


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Any coral have toxins. Might be easier trading your covered rock with other reefers rock out of their tanks.


NJRC Member
Zoas Grow Out Winner
Just get in there with your hands and rip them off the rocks. They grow in big rubbery mats that should come off relatively easily.

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