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Anyone watch Survivor.. Almost got sick when I saw Ozzie spear a beautiful Regal Angel fish.. Of all the fish in the ocean, he had to pick that one.. Hope it made him sick.
Who knows- maybe the regal was about to be eaten by a reef shark. Just be happy that's all they showed. What with tv show editing maybe he had caught 100 yellow tangs before that. Or maybe he got the worst stomach pains afterwards...they just didn't show it.

Anyways on the first survivor (long long ago) that dude richard hatch kept catching all kinds of fish. Now he's catching all kinds of jail sentences. LOL.


NJRC Member
I remember when Hatch caught that shark! It wasn't a big one but it was still a shark that he caught with a machete!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I watched the very first episode of survivor and that was it. I thought it was going to be about "surviving" not being "popular". I lost all respect when I found out it was another dramafest.

I'd rather watch paint dry then watch that show.