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Switching Salt Brands - Concerns?

I have been using crystal sea salt at the recommendation of my LFS. The tank has been generally stable, so I am conflicted on changing.

One the one hand, I have the, if it ain't broke....mindset

On the other hand, I have been reading some pretty disturbing info on crystal sea, which makes me question if I should continue to use it.

My biggest concern would be that a new salt mix would throw my tank off, since it is used to the CS salt.

Just wanted others thoughts.
i was using red sea pro for a long time, and couldnt figure out why i had such a bad algae problem??? it was the red sea salt. so i went back to my original salt i started out with, which was reef crystals.....havent seen algae since! well, the bad kind that is....

like the vance said, gradually change over!! sup vance!!!
I vary between tropic pro and reef crystals. Like em both. Never any brown breakouts or high readings. Or you could get the free shirt if you go with coralife..... That was a joke don't use that!
I just switched over from coralife to TMP cold turkey on both of my tanks (15 and 47+sump). I never really considered the effects of switching since I started with another brand before IO.

It's been about 3-4 weeks now and the only noticeable difference is that my bleached BTA (been nursing it for about 10 months now) is finally healing and changing to brown/red. The only problem is, when I switched salts I also started dosing with SeaChem supplements so now I can't tell what did the trick.
Ah a good salt makes a difference in a reef tank. Fish only I'd say use the IO. Reef tank..... spend the extra money on a better salt, it's not like this is a cheap hobby anyway. Compared to everything else we shouldn't worry so much about salt cost. Find it at your cheapest driveable store, and stock up on it.. Hidden reef is a drive for me but I can get Reef crystals for 39.99 or Tropic Pro for cheaper than coralife is at my closer go to store. Shop smart


When i switched from red sea to tropic marin pro, i just did my weekly water changes of ten gallons.No problems in switching just add it slowly not all at once.
I would make up a batch of the new salt and check it against your tanks readings(cal,alk,ph,etc.) and adjust accordingly .
Dave said:
I have been using crystal sea salt at the recommendation of my LFS. ...

I tried crystal sea salt, and wile it did dissolve ok, I found the magnesium readings to be very low. This made it impossible to maintain a good pH/alk/calcium balance. This I one of the few salt I specifically don't recommend.

If you are going to switch to a new salt, initially go slow. Make about a 5% water change. While you should test the old and new water, and note any differences, you really don't have a problem unless something is extremely off.

Once that works out, you can make a larger water change, say 10% or 15%, and increase it with each water change as long as you are not haveing any problems. Once your changing about 25%, you'll need to do about 8 more water changes to get mostly new water.
Well I decided to go with reef crystals. I will give it a try and see how it goes. The price was right, and I clearly others have used it with success.

Thanks for all of the great advice.
I have been Using Instant Ocean for 20 years never had any Issues and Its Cheap compared to most.I have tried just about ever brand out there never saw any big difference except 1 guys has a two part salt mix more corals did show major improvements.Like most posts on here always change slowly with any you do.Especially if corals are doing well and you make a sudden change can become a problem .I know I have done that in the past and learned from my mistakes.Crystal Sea salt is a good salt .I had good luck with that also.Mag is on the low side I would just dose some mag from Bulk Reef Supply it holds pretty long after getting the proper level.I have yet to find the perfect salt expect the Two Part for a guy Garry In delaware gettanked.