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Thanks Darren and Kami for May Meeting


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Thank you Darren and Kami for this months meeting. Both you guys are such generous hosts, making us reef geeks feel welcome and right at home. Kerry and I enjoyed ourselves. Thanks again.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
It was a blast, thank you again for opening your home and the amazing raffle frags. It was a great crowd and it was great meeting some new faces.


Officer Emeritus
Thank you Daren & Kami for inviting us into your beautiful home. Darren your system is amazing. It was a pleasure to meet all of you and look forward to seeing you again.


NJRC Member
Thanks again Darren and Kami. You guys rock. I'm just now getting done putting all the corals in my tank Thanks everyone who hooked me up. You guys rock too. Nice to know the world still has good people in it.


Officer Emeritus
Certainly a reef set up to aspire to. Thanks so much to you both for hosting the club this month.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Thank you Darren and Kami for hosting another fantastic meeting! Food was excellent, tanks were beautiful, and the conversations were great as always. It was nice meeting a few new faces to screen names I've seen on the boards, and it was nice to see the regulars hanging out too.

Also, thanks to Darren for the chalice frag and thanks to everyone who gave me frags for delivering all that stuff. It wasn't necessary, but greatly appreciated! Since I had to bring up so much stuff for people, I forgot to bring up my nice Canon camera, so I had to settle for taking a few pics with my cell phone. They aren't the greatest pics ever, but you can still get a good idea of what you missed if you didn't go to this meeting:

When you first walk in the front door and make your way to the kitchen/living room, you are amazed by the beautiful peninsula style acrylic tank that separates the two rooms...

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My favorite part of this was the two super comfy chairs facing the tank. I sat down and didn't want to get up! Not only were the corals stunning, but the fish were mesmerizing to watch too. But after a few minutes, I heard some voices in the basement.

So, I follow the noise downstairs where the bar and food is, and I notice this awesome little 80g tank. This thing was filled with the kinds of corals that most people would love to have just one of to make a "centerpiece". Scolys, chalices, acans, elegance, (rare color) frogspawns, and of who could forget the wild looking mushrooms? The jawbreaker and the game over shrooms were simply beautiful, but those bounce shrooms were unbelievably cool!

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I took a few other shots of stunning corals in that tank, but unfortunately they came out very blurry. I know Ari took some better pics with his camera. If/when he emails them to me, I'll add them here if he doesn't do it himself.

So just when you think you've seen it all, you look behind this 80g tank and see his fish room. Only the pics of the frag tank came out good enough, but under the frag tank was a huge refugium (maybe a 180 or something?). To the right of the frag tank he had his denitrification system, which was very interesting to see how it all works. Looking at his tanks and how happy the corals all are, I can't argue that it's doing its job! Anyway, here's the frag tank, filled with goodies that everyone was drooling over.

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Can't wait til the next meeting you guys host! I definitely won't miss it.
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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Also, not to but a negative spin on this awesome party, but I found a tic on me when I took a shower this morning. :eek: I'm pretty sure I got it in the wooded area behind Darrens house when I took a short walk out to see his koi pond.

Figured I'd mention it as a warning to anyone who may have taken a walk back there. Check yourself good!


NJRC Member
Thank you very much for hosting the meeting. Beautiful home. Enjoyed it very much. The collection of corals is the best in the world!

Here's a few I took with my phone.






We had a great time hosting, really a wonderful day. Special thanks to Jim (downbeach) for donating the fishing trip and was especially great to see Jim back on his feet! Thanks to all that brought the delicious food and really amazing desserts. I think I gained 5 lbs yesterday...


Also, not to but a negative spin on this awesome party, but I found a tic on me when I took a shower this morning. :eek: I'm pretty sure I got it in the wooded area behind Darrens house when I took a short walk out to see his koi pond.

Figured I'd mention it as a warning to anyone who may have taken a walk back there. Check yourself good!

George that's crazy!! Unfortunately there are ticks back there, in hindsight I should have mentioned to check for them. Glad you were able to catch it!
Thanks for hosting Darren. I had a great time. It was awesome to see that diamond tail flashing. If I come across one I see my wallet getting a little lighter!
Sorry I missed it. Softball and family birthdays kept me away :(. I know how beautiful that set up is. If I can convince my wife to let me host a party it would be great.