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Thomas the Train Recall

OMG... bless you for posting this notice. My boys have every single one of those!!
I will be sending them back and giving the co. a piece of my mind :mad: how could they use lead paint ??? idiots
I wanted to share this... Yesterday I recieved a letter of apology from the company and a promise that they are working to resolve the problem and ensure that it doesn't happen again. Also, they sent me a limmited ed. caboose as a token of good faith while they process my returns and send me a check to refund the postage spent on sending them all those toys.
Gee I wonder where they were manufactured?

We get anti-freeze in our tooth paste, and now lead in our paint.

But at least they are cheap!

Thanks Wal-Mart et al!

Sorry to be tongue-in-cheek about a serious situation, but it's a pretty scary world out there.