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to sell or not to sell, that is the Q

Hey y'all

I'm in a dilemma, and want to see what the interest is on a 90g tank and stand (the stand isn't in that great of shape, but it's sturdy). I just got a 55 from a guy at my job, and I already have a 38g w/mirror back. So I don't need anymore tanks, lol. I just want to get my tank out the basement and where I can pay it's some attention. With the 90g in the basement, sometimes it's out of sight out of mind. I need to do something, as if it stays there, I'm just going to get out of the hobby. So, who's interested in a 90, with a whacked out stand?

Also, what sort of filtration would I need on a 55?

I want to bring my 90 out of the basment, where it's been sent I bought this house. I have oak floors I had done over, and they're gorgeous. I don't want to risk an accident on them or creasing them by the weight of the tank. So going down tank wise seems to be the best option.