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I picked up a vortech in the group buy. Its already made a few waves with my wife :eek: now I can't wait to see some in my tank!! I'd like to know if there is anything I should watch out for before I hook it up. Sand storms, fish getting sucked in, installation issues etc.. Love to hear from other vortech owners.

People always mention the sand, but you can't mount it too high in the tank either, or it will suck air from the surface with a s-l-l-u-r-p when it goes to the highest setting, very impressive.

Pay attention to the positioning of the motor relative to the wet side. Very small adjustments are sometimes needed to get the quietest performance.

I like mine (I have two), althought they are noiser than I thought they would be.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I've lost a couple of fish to them. :( One was a perfectly healthy purple tang. The air slurping will cause micro bubbles. Also make sure that the flat part is up (that's the anti-vortexing).
Wow I might have expeceted a slower moving fish but the Tang is surprising! Just ordered a 3 pack of the foam covers - not sure how much they will help but I guess its worth a shot.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Since the tang is so broad and flat it doesn't stand a chance. And since they're SUCH algae grazers, they seem to love powerheads anyway. The two things in combination have proven fatal.
I have found that alot of people like 2 vortechs for two point sources of flow.

I liked the vortech until it grabbed my anemone with the foam guard on. Be prepared to clean those foam guards, it will also greatly reduce your flow.

My tank was a 30 gallon and a vortech was too much from one point source of flow. I went with two controllable koralias and the conrtoller and photocell for about 30 -40 dollars more then a vortech.

Its has basically the same functions a little bulkier in regards to parts but i think it more ideal for me. I also just purchased the 6055 controllable tunze nano streams for a new tank set up, which alot of people like and with their new controller, its got some really cool new functions along with being able to control a wavex box too.
Hadn't thought of the Tang's shape and grazing habits - makes perfect sense. Gonna have to give my Gold Rim some instructions to be careful!!

The vortech will be going on a 120 so hopefully that will work a little better than it did on a 30 gal. Thanks for the tip on making sure I remember to clean and replace the foam covers.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The only problem that I've had with livestock are my snails. Every so often one goes in and it looks like he was shot out of a cannon when he'leaves' :D

Well with the vortex its not that you keep the thing at high speeds or anything where it can sucked into it.
I have had mine for about 3 year+ and never lost a fish.
The speed is pretty low and moves the surface water enough and to push enough across the tank with out an obstruction in front of it has a clear path from one side to the other. My trigger has found it very interesting has actually sat on top of the screen and apparently like the feeling. He keeps going back in forth, go figure, hey he likes. Its a pricy item and well worth.
As it is anything for a fish tank more you spend the better equipment 9 times out of ten, that is why I also use the solaris lights.
Mine never did get a tang yet but ended a tailspot blenny . One of my starfish must like pain because he loses a part of a leg about once a week . When setting it up make sure to use the outside cable brackets and set glass thickness properly . It will take you a while to find the right spot ,just low enough to not bother sand and not to high to suck air . Waves will continue to get bigger so keep an eye on it when set that way until they reach maximum hieght .
speaking about vortech
I have to say ecotech has some of the best customer support around
I sent mine in on wednesday night I had it back on Friday
I use an MP40 along with 2 x Tunze 6100s in my 120. I run the MP40 around 50-60% on the center back. I cant run it any higher or I get water over the top! I really like the interaction betwen the two types of flow.

I have see my rabbit and fox face get plastered to the VorTech and in the rabbit's case the Tunze as well. A press of the feed button releases them & they seem to to be no worse for for wear. But, I guess it helps to catch them before they are stuck there too long.
Bax, you crack me up!

I love my 2 Vortechs. Never had a fish get stuck (at least not to my knowledge), and ever since turning one of them up pretty high, I do get a nice wave motion over the top. I agree that finding the right position is a key factor.

I also learned that even though good flow is great, direct flow on a coral over prolonged period of time is not a good thing, as one of my millis (pretty close to the Vortech at the time) began to lose flesh. :eek: It has since fully recovered.
Well from what everyone is saying I'm glad I bought the vortech!! Really apprecitate the pointers. Gonna go install it now!!! woo hoo
I purchased a used one from a fellow reefer that shut down his tank. Its the first gen - MP40. I have to say the ecotech people are great, I got in touch w/ them for a few minor part I needed, and within a week I got them in the mail free of charge. I am going to order a new wet side as a spare because I spotted some rust on the magnet when I opened it. Other than that it works great, good flow, a little noisy compared with the Koralias I had been running.
You do have to fool atround with the alingment of the wet/dry ends to find the quietest running position, it may take many adjustments to find it.
Well I got the Vortech up and running - very cool piece of equipment! Had to play with it a little to get it the way I wanted but it seems to be doing its job. I can see the changes in the flow by looking at my Frogspawn.
yeah, I played around with the alignment and have found its sweet spot. Been able to raise the flow rate and eliminated much of the noise. I have the battery backup and have placed the Vortec on a timer to run at a higher flow during the day and then at nite cut the power to it and allow it to run off the backup battery. This reduces the flow rate by half at nite. I was wondering if anyone sees a problem with this long term?