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Waterproof Magnets

I have a couple of magnets that I would like to use in my tank, but they are not waterproof. How can I waterproof them? I was thinking of covering them with clear silicone. The one that they use to build tanks. Do you think it will work?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Epoxy cement or that liquid rubber you can get in HD or Lowes that is marketed for tool grips.

Ive used the plastic coating spray paint( the one Paul rec) and also krylon recently came out with one that works well too for wood metal and plastic.But I also came across www.kjmagnetics.com they sell all kinds of magnets including plastic coated ones,all shapes and sizes gd luck


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Richie, you might find This Site helpful. It's a FAQ on casting with plastic resins. There's a list of links to suppliers at the bottom of the page too.

I browsed around on the supplier sites and discovered a lot of good info on different types of materials available at Douglas & Sturgess (Artstuf.com) and the link to their catalog has an in depth description on all of their materials. Not saying you should buy from here, just that you can research here to find what is best for what you want to do.

The problem I did find with many of the supplier links is that most of them sell the resin materials in bulk (like 2-gal. kits, part A and part B) and the lowest prices are around $30 on most sites. I didn't do a thorough search on all of them, I just kind of browsed them to see what they had. I did find a few that sold lower quantities for around $13 (for a quart.) Either way, you might be able to split the costs of the materials with several people interested in trying this.

I'd suggest checking out all of the suppliers listed, or maybe just doing a google search on whatever material you decide is best for what you want to do... and get the best prices.

Hope that helps.