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Wet Dry Filter

I am in the process of setting up my second tank and will be using a wet/dry filter on it. I have heard that the bioballs are a nitrate factory when they get dirty and are not cleaned. My filter has the bio tower w/ bio balls which I plan not to use. What can I place there instead of the bioballs? LR? Help!!!!
Thanks, NYCReefer
Help me understand, so what actually does the filtering then? It only has a course pad, a compartment for bioballs, a spoonge block, an open area, the return area. I'm better off with a HOB AquaClear 500???
i would put some chaeto in there with a light. this will help export nitrates. the main part of your filtration is the skimmer and live rock in the display tank. get a good skimmer and you won't really need anything in the sump. the sump is just for extra volume, a place to run pumps off of to feed the skimmer and any reactors you may have. it also maintains the water level in your display which IMO if that's all it did i would still get one. you place heaters in a sump which keeps them out of site. you can keep macro algae that you don't want in your display tank. i'm sure i'm missing a few things but that's the biggies.
Help me understand, so what actually does the filtering then? It only has a course pad, a compartment for bioballs, a spoonge block, an open area, the return area. I'm better off with a HOB AquaClear 500???

That's about right. The course pad does the mechanical filtration. the sponge block will provide some biological filtration. The open area can contain bags of chemical filter media, if needed. The bulk of the biological filtration is done by the live rock in the tank.

I would also recommend a large powerfull skimmer. This will remove a lot of material before the biological filtration needs to deal with it.

Yes, it will be a lot better than the HOB AquaClear, especially when combined with a skimmer.

The sump will give you much better gas exchange, co2 out, O2 in. You'll be able to make much better use of chemical filter media. The skimmer will remove a lot of fine particulate matter in addition to liquid material.

I can only say the I don't know of anyone, although there may be some, that ever went to HOB components once they had a sump.
Ok, I'm sold on it. I guess this weekend I'll set it up. I will need help along the way but I know you'll be here to help me. Ok I'll start with my first question "how do I establish a siphon" (Eshopp overflow box), second question "how do I equalize the intake and return?", third question I've heard there is a way to prevent flooding my apartment in case of a power outage.
Thanks for your help.
I was told to replace my bio-balls with live rock in the sump to bring down my nitrate. Does anyone else have live rock in there sump or is this a big no no?
the main reason for live rock in a sump is to create a breeding ground for pods, and a habitat for critters you may elect to put in there....


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The “Troyka” of a good refugium is Sand, Live Rock and Cheato (or some other plant material)

The three offer the medium to allow the biological actions of pods (and other inverts), bacteria and the wonders of photosynthesis to gobble up the wastes from the DT.
redfishbluefish said:
The “Troyka” of a good refugium is Sand, Live Rock and Cheato (or some other plant material)

The three offer the medium to allow the biological actions of pods (and other inverts), bacteria and the wonders of photosynthesis to gobble up the wastes from the DT.

i agree this is a great combo for a good refugium where not all of the turnover is going through the refugium. but for a sump this just won't work very well. for a sump the best bet is just simply chaeto. if you have a fuge then the sump is best left empty.

if you put rock in your sump where water flows in the same direction constantly over that rock then the waste will start to build up in certain areas.
I have decided to sell this sump and will make my own from a 20ga just have to figure out where to place the glass dividers for the return and intake (bubble catcher) and an area for my skimmer. Does anyone have a diagram of their sump that I can use?
No dividers? Odd I've seen that most people use some sort of glass dividers usually one for the intake and three just before the return to catch bubbles. I want to be able to place my heater and skimmer in the sump as well.