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what is this? a worm?

Okay, i just got my order from etropicals in and as im acclimating i see this small orange worm like thing come out of a rock. Best shots i can get of it. Any ideas? What do i do?


I hope i get an ID soon with some advice i dont want to introduce any pests into the tank.
i can hardly even see it any better. I tried to get a couple better shots but its just so small. It was maybe 1 1/2 -2 inches long and very very thin (maybe like 2 hairs thin), i put the light over the container and he ran into a rock, next time he pops out i'll get im into a small tupperware and try again
for what it's worth - and i'm not an invertebrate zoologist - worms are far more likely to be beneficial for the tank - with some notable exceptions (coral eating fireworm, and the plain ugly eunice species worms). Granted when tiny eunice are harmless scavengers -it's the foot long plus ones that freak me out.

Anyways - yours is so small, I tend to think - leave it in.

Then again, I'm dismayed that it would come out in the day time...as that would signal to me a possible predator.

the ricordias are so small im thinking i'll just take them off the rock and put them onto the rock already in my tank.

Any suggestions on how to do this, i've read just using something and carefully pry them off, can i use super glue or do i NEED superglue gell to glue them onto the rock?
If in doubt leave it out. Superglue is not so effective for softies, they shed mucus and slime when stressed. What is often recommended for marshrooms is to temporary cover/fix them with the light veil mesh. You can also try to crush the rock. If you have sharp and precise bone cutters (pliers) you might be able to extract just a smallest piece of rock the ricordea is sitting on, like 1/8-1/4" piece beneath it, and use that as a base to glue it on some other rock.
i was able to easily enough get them off the rock (they were hardly attached). I placed them where i would like them and am hoping that they will attach within a week or so. I shut off the filter for now (just provides water circulation its a 2 gallon tank).


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If there's rock on the bottom, use a little superglue to hold them in place. I think you'd be better off using veil to hold them in place and turning the pumps back on. The circulation that the pump provides also helps to add oxygen to the water, unless it is being added by another means.
Besides the worm, I'm wondering what your opinion on your etropicals order is? Thinking of placing an order but haven't really heard many positives on them.
I was surprised... i paid 12$ for orange ricordia 16 for blue, and 8 for a red mushroom and 35$ for shipping... None of the coral is bigger than an inch diameter, so i'm a little dissapointed but they were fine as far as shipping and all goes.