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What will kill your tank if it dies?

Just looking for experienced information as to what corals to keep out of a tank that will have a strong reaction on the rest of gthe reef if it dies?


NJRC Member

and may be an Lion-fish

Redsand have some Sea Apple & a big Lion fish (if you are interested)
Some people say a sea cucumber can kill off a tank if it dies.


Luckily I have no 1st hand experience with this problem.

Mine is a healthy model citizen
I had a medusa worm get chopped up in a powerhead,and everything was dead within five minutes!
Rob from Robbies Reef had warned me about getting it if I had a powerhead in my tank,I just thought it was such a weird looking creature,and it thrived on deitrus how could I go wrong?
Well it did fine for about a year,then the worst thing you could think of.Even after several water changes every cheap little fish I bought would die within a day or two.
The toxin released into the tank must have been pretty bad!
I recently bought out someone's tank and it came with a boxfish/cowfish? After doing a little research, I found that if it dies in your tank it will release its toxins it uses for defense. That will kill off your tank. I am torn between keeping it because it has so much personality. I just don't want to crash a tank because of it. I would post a picture but I can't figure out how.
I think I figured out the upload picture thing. Here is a pic of the boxfish/cowfish I was referring to. If someone could Id
this one or point me to a place I can find out would be appreciated.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
A boxfish will crash a tank if they get stressed. They have a toxin in their skin that they will relase. According to the research on them, something as small as turning on the lights or walking up to the tank can stesss them. Most people who do keep them, keep them in a seperate tank so if they do get stressed, losses are minimal.

I can't really tell the exact species by that small of a pic, but it does look like a boxfish.

This was the most comprehensive link i could find

depending on your tank size, any fish or anemone def. has the potential of taking out a tank unless it is taken out within reasonable time.
I heard of sea hares being toxic when they die. I took one out after it was dead for a day and it was the worst thing by far I've ever smelt in this hobby! Real bad
when i worked at shark aquarium we sold someone a boxfish who didnt heed our warnings. guess they startled it or something in his tank stressed it and 3 days later EVERYTHING in his tank was dead... fish, coral...everything but the boxfish