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Where can you buy acrylic?

Where can you get acrylic in the Monmouth/Ocean county areas??? I don,t have the time to check out all the hardware stores so any replies of a sure bet, would be GREAT!
Thanks all
I have seen it in every Home Depot and Lowes I have been to. The only problem is that they might not stock the exact thickness (thick) you are looking for.
I,ll have to double check Lowes on rt9 howell, but I,m pretty sure it was plexi glass that was there. What I need is the stuff that fuses together, useing the glue thats like water. Or a strong glue other than silicone for plexi or lexan thats safe for aquarium use. I havn,t checked any glass shops yet, but I did stop in a sign shop, he could order a sheet 4x8 x1/4 for around 100 bucks But for that amount I could buy what I want to make .
Thanks for Helping so far
Thanks all
Had to get my plastics straight first to know what kind of adhesive to get. I already have some plastic and found out its polycarbonate. So what I need to know now is where to get IPS WELD●ON® 3, ACRYLIC CEMENT, other than ordering online? I didn,t look anywhere yet for it. So it might be in Lowes or HD ?
But someone here could save me a lot of time if they knew. And that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again
I've never seen the glue at Home Depot or Lowes. You could try calling the local hobby stores, some place that specializes in model cars, planes, etc. I don't know for sure but it seems like a model builder might have use for it too.

If you are near Philly, Everything Plastics http://www.everythingplastic.net/ has, well, everything plastic including lots of scrap acrylic for cheap.
I was able to get some weldon 16 from a sign shop


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
TryingItAgain said:
Now if I can figure out how to edit my post???
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