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Why does everyone hate xenia?

I just picked up a rather large sized frag of xenia. I love the way it pulses. I think its great at least for my tank because theres never going to be any real extravagant corals. It adds more movement then my coral beauty who just hides all day.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
IrradiatedReef said:
People tend to dislike them because they grow like a weed and it is a lot of work to mow your yard and your tank!

That pretty much says it all. You can try and isolate it on it's own little piece of rock so it doesn't spread all over the place. It's not bad if it's on the glass, but getting it off the rock can be a real pain!
Can also surround the zenia with rubble so it spreads on it. This way it it easy to split and frag off. Then you can give/trade to unknowing new people to the hobby!!! MUAHAhahaha!!! ;D

Angels are real good at keeping zenia well groomed also lol.
I love it, but I just cant keep it alive!

I struggle with low ph and alk lately. Probably the only way to kill it.

But at least I can enjoy the challenge of corals that overgrow everything with kenya trees and anthelia! ;D
I added 1 small stalk 2 months ago, I sure wish some of my other corals grew like this!!!

soon it will look like this :p
that was the side of my 210 the bad thing about having this much
is that when some of it starts to die the toxins take others corals with it
steve68 said:
soon it will look like this :p
that was the side of my 210 the bad thing about having this much
is that when some of it starts to die the toxins take others corals with it

You have a valid point but I still think it looks really cool!
it did look cool Sam everyone that saw the tank was amazed how
the whole thing was pulsating Xenia is a great nutrient export.