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Will i have a cycle?

I'm sure this is the dumbest question but i would feel stupid waiting for months with an empty tank when i could of transferred my stuff over. :-[

So basically I had 60lb of dry sand, i went out bought close to 20lb of cured LR last weekend. stuck it in and filled it up, Added 25lb's of dry rock a few days later, Yesterday i stuck in about 10+lb's of LR that was in the sump of my 20gal also a few cups of live sand from the 20gal. I've been testing the water for ammonia for the past few days still 0.
I hate this part...

Thank You,



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If everything went into your new tank that was in your 20 you wouldn't have a cycle (unless you added significantly more fish suddenly). If the rock you bought was really cured rock you will likely not see any cycle at all.

When we upgraded from our 30g to the 65 we shut down one, moved everything over and started it back up again without missing a beat.
Nick, you may not get a noticeable cycle. If the rock you added was fully cured then you probably won't get it from that. Also if the dry rock didn't have a lot of dead organics in it then again you might not have anything to cause a new cycle.

Are you adding a couple pieces of flake food a day now to give the existing bacteria some "food"? If not you probably want to do that so you don't loose the bacteria you already have.


PS It sounds like you are fine to try out ONE hardy fish. Just pick up a bottle of Seachem Prime to have on hand just in case the ammonia starts to rise. That will take the toxicity out of the ammonia but still allow you to test for it (unlike some other products). You could also add a bacteria product for good measure before adding the fish if you wanted but I doubt it's needed (wouldn't hurt however).
Wow this was un-expected :eek:
No i didn't move anything over because i figured it was going to cycle.
Some of the live rock had kind of a fishy smell to it and Yes i was adding alittle flake food.

Thank you very much Carlo and Phyl!
I guess i'll wait another day or so just to be safe.

I set up a frag tank about 8 weeks ago, used live rock from existing tank and some new rock (pets plus delran) used about 5 gallons of existing tank water and mixed new water to fill. It has never cycled even after adding a small blennie. Started to add frags so I hope it does not clcle now.
I transferred 40 LBS of LR and some live sand from my existing 29 gallon over to a new 70 gallon. Also, I added 70 LBS of new LR and some live sand to the new tank and did not see a cycle. In a week I had added all of the fish and inverts to the new tank with no problems what so ever...
Alright thank you,
Well it's been up and running since the 1st still nothing so i put one of my snails and alittle shroom since i couldn't get anything else out and i'm going to wait before adding the rest of the corals just alittle scared i guess..