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Without power since 3AM Dover NJ

I've been with out power since 3AM. I have 2 mp40's running but my fishes have all died, can anyone hold some of my corals. I don't want to loose all my livestock :(

I'm in the Dover area. 07801


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sorry to hear this.. did you add H202 to the tank for oxygen?.. Sounds like the fish died due to lack of oxygen


NJRC Member

Sorry to hear about your outage. I'm in Livingston - east of you on 10. I have some room in my halide lit 135 sump if you think you could use it. The water parameters are good - I didn't lose any power.

This really sucks!!! I've didn't realize something like this would happen. I was prepared with powerheads, but I guess that was not enough. I've never seen corals loose color so fast.

Bob, I got a got a few pieces left. do you think you could hold them for me I'm going to have to restart from scratch. PM your number
i'm so sorry to hear for your loss.. im in monmouth county we just got power back today if i can help i'll gladly offer a home to your pieces till you get power back.

lmk im in 07735
Thanks everyone that offer some help, I was able to take some of my pieces to Bob's house. I'm hoping to have my tank running by the end of next week.