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yellow leather fragging?

I was wondering i have a big yellow leather and its about 8-9" when its opened up, can you frag leathers im really new to fragging and just learning about it, so any help would be useful. thanks
to fragit all you do is cut a piece from the top and then put it in rubble so that it will attach nicely and wait till it heals .
I use all cotton thread to sew the soft frags to a piece of rubble. It takes about 4 weeks for the thread to disintergrate and in most cases, the frag is well attached by then.
IrradiatedReef said:
I use all cotton thread to sew the soft frags to a piece of rubble. It takes about 4 weeks for the thread to disintergrate and in most cases, the frag is well attached by then.
There's a cool technique! Another way is to take a toothpick and push it through the base of the frag. Then loop a rubber band on each end of the toothpick and around the rock. The drawback: I have found that leathers can often stick to the toothpick when you pull it our once you see it's attached. The rubber is ugly for a few weeks if you are keeping the frag in your display tank

I'm curious, what type of leather is it? Don't see too many yellow ones around and some can be a lot more difficult to keeo then others.
I would say no smaller then a dime for size? As far as repair for the mother piece, it will heal the open wound up in a couple of weeks but the overall shape will be altered a bit for quite a while. Take your frags from the backside/less visible area of the mother piece. I would cut a section off the back, cut that into the size pieces I want, then mount 'um up. I find that putting them slightlylower then the mother piece in the tank helps a bit. The frags will be rather shocked and the stronger light may stress them a bit. Give them a few days to destress and then move them back up.