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zoa/paly fraging

I have a couple of colonies of palys that are on my live rock and I would like to be able to make a couple frags from them but I'm not sure how to do this without having to take the entire rock out of the water. They started as frags on a plug and now the polyps are surrounding the plug on the live rock. I don't want to cause too much stress on them. Does anyone have any ideas of how to do this with minimal stress? Any comments or suggestions would be great.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
I usually always have to take out the rock out of the tank if i need to frag zoas.

equipment i use.

an exacto knife kit
small project chisel.
small container
lugol's solution
frag plugs
GEL super glue
eye wear

i start by taking the rock out, inspection the general area of the zoas i want to frag. once i figure out how many polyps i want to frag out. i take my exacto knife and cut along the zoa's mat, carefully making sure not to damage the polyp. oh, make sure you wear gloves and protective eye wear because zoas can and most likely release toxins while fragging.

depending on how attached the polyp on the rocks i either try to use the exacto knife to try and pry it off the rock. if it's really on there, you need to bring out the chisel. Once off the rock, place the frag in a container of tank water and a few drops of lugols, make sure to mix the water and lugols until it looks like a light tea color.

I then prep the plug with glue give it a min for the glue to settle on the plug and then place the zoa on it and it goes back into the container for a few minutes for all it to settle.
Thank you for the good info. I have known how to frag zoas/palys for awhile, I just wanted to know if there was another good way that won't damage the polyps other than having to take the entire rock out of the water. It sounds like that is the best option though. I'm glad you put all of that info of how to frag too though because I have never used Lugols solution. What does it do? I appreciate your help.