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zoa pox, where can I get furan 2 near Middletown?

Ugh... I decided when I set up my 8g biocube it would be a zoa tank (since I lost all almost all of mine in my aquapod when I grew out the toadstools) I purchased a few frags, moved a couple that were in my 70g... things were going well then I realized one frag wasn't opening much, the tank is in my guest room and it's been a crazy week so I didn't check on it as well as I should. Realized today a few more frags looked bad, closer look and ZOA POX!!!

I don't have any furan 2, closest I have is something called bifuran+ so I did a dip with that till tomorrow when I can go on a search for the furan 2, does petsmart carry it? I'm in Port Monmouth/Middletown.

Hopefully I can save the little frags and still get my zoa tank!


Staff member
NJRC Member
That stinks. I was just at PetsMart and didn't see anything like that; not even a coral dip. Try Pets Plus in Airport Plaza. If not guess you'll need a trip to AqOb or Trop.
Thanks, maybe I'll make some calls in the morning.... does anyone else know where I might find it locally, or have any to sell?

PM SENT, thanks to crappy big als online i have enough to last me a lifetime. I think i know someone in your area that might have some tommorow night.

Check out the treatment here at zoaid.com in the articles section.

I bought this under recomendation by the online retailer ive been getting my zoas from. Before Acclimating new colonys he told me give them a quick dip since they sit in a bag and colllect detrius while in the bag. Its helps to prevent fungus's like zoa pox and melting.
Thanks everyone for the offers etc, thankfully I found some near my house today so I'm all set to do my first dip shortly (FYI for anyone in the area who might need it, I got it at Petland on Rt 35 & Poole)

Wish me luck, I just saw that some of the zoas in my 70g also have it... UGH... must have cross contaminated somehow!