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90 Gallon build

Well as I said I would make a post about the 90 gallon that I built.
It all started with this 55 gallon FOWLR tank that I found on Craigslist. I picked it up for $200 bucks and it included everything. All I had to do was go meet the guy and get a crash course on how to maintain a fish tank. We have never owned a fish tank before. The guy and his wife were really nice and must have spent two hours explaining everything to us as we broke the tank down in his living room.
This is it after we got it home and set it up. It didnt last very long before I wanted to add coral to the tank. I ended up ditching the canister filter that originally came with the tank in favor of a HOB protien skimmer. I also aquired a T5 light setup for coral.
I was pretty set with just having the tank with fish and coral in it. But it got to be a chore pouring water in the top of the tank everyday. I wanted some sort of ATO. This is what got me looking for a new tank with a sump.
So I turned to Craigslist again to find another tank. I found this 90gal with a 40gal sump. I was only after the tank but the guy talked my wife into also buying his LED lights that could be any color she wanted them to be! I was shocked my wife has never been interested in this hobby and now I have to green light to buy expensive lights and a new tank. Here it is in the spot it was going. This was a huge chore and took most of one day. This is the same spot the 55gal was sitting. I had to drain/move/refill the 55gal and then set this one in place.
I ordered new marine seleant and resealed it.
I started pulmbing the sump. In this picture you can see that most of the baffles are broken. I ran it this way for awhile.
I ordered a sheet of acrylic and cut the baffles to size. I didnt need the whole 40 gal sump so I sectioned off a portion for my ATO. It is roughly 5 gal and lasts about a week.
I also need to find a way to hang these new lights. My wife was ok with the lights just didnt not want to see cables hanging from the ceiling. So I cut a couple pieces of wood to length and attached them to the inside of the canopy. I then took some aluminum flat pieces of metal and attached them to the lights. They basically just sit in the canopy. Kind of a PITA if I want to remove the canopy. I need to lift the lights out first.
And finally here are some of my inhabitants.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Very nice! Great progression through the tanks. Love all the diy work you did, great job. Can't wait to see more.
Thanks guys. Thats the quickest and easiest way I could come up with hanging the lights. It actually works out pretty well. I can slide them around and place them where I want. I placed the two long boards that go all the way across narrow enough that the lights can never fall in.