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Anyone using garlic here?

Just wondering if anyone here is using garlic additives? if you are have you seen any benefits from it and how are you using it?


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NJRC Member
I have only used garlic cloves if I saw a breakout of ich. I would hang several cloves in the tank and replace every 2 or 3 days. This seemed to help the fish fight off the disease.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The seaweed we picked up at AO this past week had garlic included in the seaweed.

I’m too much of a newbie to say that I’ve seen some benefit. (If anything, it’s kept the werewolves and vampires away.) However, I’m of the belief that it can’t hurt, especially if you have some of those ich-magnetic fish, such as the Powder Blue tang. Maybe part of it is that you now feel you are doing everything you can do to keep your fish ich free (even though it might be a false security). It does seem that it is more of an old wives’ tale than something that has been proven scientifically, but than again, I’ll make chicken soup whenever I get the flu or a cold.
I have garlic drops that i add to my food, if a break out of ich starts. There is a ton of debate whether or not it works fighting ich. But in my personal experience, my fish have beat the ich everytime. I dont know if its the garlic, but i think it has something to do with it. My hippo tang got ich like 3 times and beat it.

They say garlic is good for us to eat too, im not sure of the actual physical benefits of it. I think the garlic can be used to get fish to eat that sometimes are picky eaters.


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NJRC Member
Garlic is suppose to boost the immune sysyem. I believe that alone will help fight off ich and other diseases.
i have used garlic in my tank from day 1 when i bought my current fish load (dose dt every week with 1-2 teaspoons). so i can't tell if it made a difference but all fish in DT are showing healthy and eating like pigs. one currently in QT using coppermine with drops of garlic, garlic on every other food feeding. it currently status shows increase of ICH at the time but i'll have to wait and see what happens.
I add garlic and selcon to my food all the time.

I've had no problems until a fellow reefer jinxed me and have been fighting a mild ich outbreak the last few weeks.

Fish seem to be fighting it off and continuing to grow and gain weight.
all i can say is it has worked for ME. my fish are healthy and fat. and the signs of ick have dimished rapidly when garlic was administered.... not saying it cured them, or erradicated the ick. but it did relieve the visible symptoms and they returned to eating and are still healthy. this topic can cause alot of debate, and i agree with both sides, but if i got home from work today and saw ick on my fish.... the first thing i would do is chop up some garlic, put it in a mesh bag, and put it in a hob filter. but hey.... that's just me.
Unfortunately the use of garlic is probably the biggest myth in this hobby. Crypto is probably analogous to syphilis. It's a disease that just spontaneously disappears. It does not mean it's gone, just hiding in your system. Same with syphilis, you get it, it goes away and can come back years later and you eventually die from it. Crypto is not fatal to a healthy fish. Maybe garlic does help appetite. Maybe it doesn't. There's no good study on it and for every one that supports garlic as appetite stimulant, there's another contradicting it.

I like how jtravapd says his hippo has beaten ich 3x. The fact that he got it 3x means it was never removed from the system to begin with. I do use garlic in foods but mostly because almost every company out there adds it in their product. Just realize it probably does nothing and let's try not to perpetuate this myth any more unless someone here can show proof. Don't believe me? Read Steven Pro's articles in RC regarding crypto.

One interesting tidbit regarding crypto.......if no new crypto parasites are introduced into the system for 11+ months, all fish will be immune to current crypto parasitic load and the crypto will be removed from your system (this is according to leebca at reeflands)
hey calaxa, i understand that you have a scientific background, and you come across as a very intelligent and helpfull guy. but i thought the idea of the board is to exchange thoughts and beliefs.... he asked, and we're giving our opinions. you come across as very critical at times. dude, we're all just hobbyists exchanging ideas and thoughts, very little of our experience or opinions is based on imperical scientific data or controlled experiments.... please don't take this the wrong way.... but lighten up. and as far as i know about the scientific process don't all "facts" start as unproven theories? and if we only discuss proven undisputed info.... well, i think we'de all have alot less to talk about...

I hear you, but every time this topic is brought up, too many people say garlic cures crypto. It's just not right to give new hobbyists wrong info like that. There's nothing wrong with using garlic...I'm just trying to make sure every new hobbyist knows the limitations and misconceptions on it. I'm only critical on this one subject matter because it annoys me that people give such poor advice with this disease and the supposed benefits of garlic.
sorry if i came across as critical myself, i just don't think it in the best interest of the board as a whole to stifle someone else's creative thoughts, i really meant no offense. with that said, when are you gonna be free so i can stop by and check out that recirc mod on your euro-reef skimmer? ;D
I thought you found someone closer? I'll PM you my contact info.

I don't mean to come off as critical either. It's just frustrating to me to hear stuff that is outright wrong. I'm not trying to stifle ideas but you see how a person says....i fed garlic and ich disappeared. Garlic must have cured it. It doesn't work that way yet so many people beleive it. I'm very new to the hobby too, if you don't recall and I've been fed a whole bunch of BS from LFS, other hobbyists, etc. I'm a skeptic by nature and I need proof. Imagine if I used the garlic logic on Rbu1's fish for velvet right now.
I use garlic salt, garlic infused oil, and just plain old garlic. ;D

I also give garlic to my fish in the nori sheets, and it is in a lot of the flakes and pellets as calaxa says it is in there. I put selcon in my frozen food as it thaws.

I don't think garlic is a cure or a substitute for QT. But I do think it adds to the well being of our fish in general.


Staff member
NJRC Member
I don't think anyone on this board is trying to give bad advice. They are stating what worked for them. In my post I said that garlic helps boost the immune system, not that it cured ich. Everyone should take all advice with a grain of salt. What works for one may not work for another; so people should research before trying any advice given on any forum.

I'm not sure it does boost the immune system either. I think you had healthy fish to begin with. Did you know garlic is a poison to cats and dogs?
and thus the disclaimers "in MY experience" and "in my OPINION" that's why we come here, google is for research. here is to discuss it with people we know, that have been through it before. but i'm done on this topic.... i feel like i'm coming down with a cold, i'm going to eat some garlic bread. i hear there's a cure in there somewhere.... must be the bread..... ;D
calaxa said:
I don't mean to come off as critical either. It's just frustrating to me to hear stuff that is outright wrong.

But you do come off as critical in the majority of your posts on this topic.

What frustrates me is people who deal in absolutes in this hobby. IMHO I disagree with all those folks who say crpto can't survive without a host for x amount of hours, days, weeks. But that is my opion based on my observations. ;) I don't think anyone has defined the crypto cycle to the nth degree.

In my experience garlic appears to help the livestock continue eating and it appears to boost the immune system. Both good things in helping livestock recover from crypto. And that is why I use it routinely to defend against what I think is an ever present threat. ;D