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Anyone using garlic here?

I'm used to brook with clownfish i don't think knock on wood have ever lost a fish to velvet.

I feed garlic to my fish and they eat it so it cant be that bad.

All disease in fish is due to poor diet I believe. Feeding one type of food all the time or not adding vitamins to the food. If fish ate mysis like that guy in Supersize me did with McDonald's everyday you can bet the fish will get sick.

Also puffers I believe if not fed live shelled crustaceans will not stay healthy. Because of their beak and because there bodies are made to digest hard calcified food.
WOW! I didn't think this will turn out to be such an interesting topic. I was just really wondering because I was reading other sites and like here there are different believes about garlic. I have never used it and I was wondering if is something worth trying.

It seems like I'm going to have to experiment myself and get my own opinions... For the people that are using raw garlic can you tell how are you using it? Can I just get a couple of cloves and put it in a blender extract the juice and save it in a jar and used it to dip their food prior feeding?


You imply too much from my posts....never said garlic was bad. I also disagree that all disease is from poor diet. MV and brook kill even very healthy fish. Both are nasty as hell. Crypto is nothing but for some reason, people see it as some horrible disease. I have got to say MV is the worst with brook not that far behind.

Why do you see so much brook? You getting a lot of WC clownfish? BTW I wouldn't take Spurlock's Supersize me as good scientific evidence. There was another film that was made in response and it showed the opposite result ("Me & Mickey Dee" with Soso Waley)
jceli728 said:
WOW! I didn't think this will turn out to be such an interesting topic. I was just really wondering because I was reading other sites and like here there are different believes about garlic. I have never used it and I was wondering if is something worth trying.

It seems like I'm going to have to experiment myself and get my own opinions... For the people that are using raw garlic can you tell how are you using it? Can I just get a couple of cloves and put it in a blender extract the juice and save it in a jar and used it to dip their food prior feeding?


Yeah this is a hot topic to me. I had crypto on my hippo when I first started and was looking for answers here. Was basically lurking and saw all these things on how good garlic was. Several hundred dollars later on crappy garlic products, crypto returned. I tried garlic for non eating fish (banggai, CBB, regal, etc) but they all ate naturally once I found the thing that enticed them. I tried allicin (pure garlic extract), fresh cut cloves, blended cloves, ground cloves, garlic powder, etc. So you see all this info and a new hobbyist is of course going to do the thing that is simplest.....not break down the tank and do some sorta QT. Did I see garlic help my fish eat? IME, not really. I think you're better off using selcon if you're looking to add nutritional value to your food. If you're looking for a cure for crypto, well you know my opinion on that one. ;)
I give up man...

I try to buy my clowns wild caught because i dont want a breeding pair from the same genes.

I dont go through fish very quickly. My GBR clowns are two years in my care and pairing nicely. My nigripis i had for a year and a half. And before that i had a pair of ocellaris for 4 years.

For the most part i even know who still has my fish and how well they are doing.


NJRC Member
OK SO this is ME talking not as an Officer.
It seems that alot of posts lately have a very strange tone. Lets try not prove each other wrong and get the nasty with each other over a GLASS TANK FULL OF fish.
Its not fun or helpful to be KNOW it ALLS. There are a million ways to do this stuff. I think people really need to Share what works for them and leave it at that. OK off the soap box. This has been bugging me alot for a while. Its like SOLRAC is back.

I understand what you mean on the WC. That is good husbandry but WC clowns have brook almost all the time. I think they're worse than tangs and crypto. Now I know we both agree not to medicate unnecessarily but WC clowns.....man I would treat for brook no matter what. That is an awful disease.


OK...we'll stop and play nice now.
I think you underestimate the value of your posts about the MV and your efforts in general. I think it was a great example for many of us not to put any fish into DT without QT them first. Although we all may have different opinions what are the best methods, I think all of us will agree that nobody wants to go throught it. so let me say thank you for your efforts and updates.

I get up 5 minutes earlier each day, just to read your updates - no joke.

I am adding garlic to my fish diet ;)

calaxa said:
And I've said many time I hate copper too but all you guys are playing monday night QB. All of you question my treatment of velvet but none of you stepped up to go to do anything about it. I agree with you on both copper and antibiotics. I do not like medication without substantiation. Oh yeah....I work for big pharma too which is ironic isn't it?
I actually am a crossroads as to what to do on them. Four of them look so healthy and I feel like I am trapping them with one sick fish. The copper is not good for them and I know that. I kinda liken it to chemotherapy. I am considering moving them out of the copper because of the toxicity but then again, I worry they get reinfected from not enough exposure to copper (like ending an antibiotic too early). There's no new updates really. I tried putting in brine and no one wants (or are eating when I am not looking). It's just wait and see at this point. I think MV is being beaten but now the clock is ticking on ammonia/nitrite poisoning and copper toxicity.

Thanks for the words of encouragement and yeah sometimes I still dump some garlic in my food ;) (come on...I got bottles of it left...what else am I gonna do with it)
this makes me think back to my freshwater tank with oscars in it. They ate whatever I was cooking. LOL. Raw chopmeat, salami, whatever and they never got sick. Saltwater fish are so weak.
nah....compare them to a lionfish, puffer, or trigger. You're comparing them to the "sissy" fish that most of us reefers keep. (I bet my tangs are gonna slash my wrist later for that one)
calaxa said:
nah....compare them to a lionfish, puffer, or trigger. You're comparing them to the "sissy" fish that most of us reefers keep. (I bet my tangs are gonna slash my wrist later for that one)

thats so true, im hippo tang gets sick if you look at him wrong.. before i went to a reef tank i had a huge grouper in my tank..he was like 14 inches long, which is small for a grouper but that guy was a beast and nothing got that guy upset..god forbid i ever loose all my coral in some major event, im going to have a fish only tank....there are soo many beautiful angels and puffers ect., that i wish i could have..
Well I used to think my hippo was a wuss till I added the cleaner wrasse. He tore that guy apart like you wouldn't believe. I had to beat him off with a stick. He left massive bite gashes and the wrasse crawled into the rocks to die. I think the hippo has sent me a message that he wants no more fish in the tank.
first I identified crypto on one fish.second I am in no way advising anyone to do this or even if it helped. that said I first added selcon to food which I should do more often. second I crushed a cube of fresh garlic and put it directly in the tank. this morning only one spot left on fish.ma be it would have cleared up by itself but I was not expecting it so soon. The fish went wild gobbling all the garlic.not planning on doing this often. I was just experimenting. I might have just got lucky I'll take that too.