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evoIX OCEAN in motion 65 gallon display

evoIX said:

Not sure if they are already broken.

I would not use a chisel. Not enough precision for my taste.

Dremmel and/or Hacksaw would probably be a better option IMHO.
EVOIX, Contact me. I bought 100lbs of Marco, and I have small pieces curing. I could swap some with larger stones, let me know.

disappointed i couldn't use all my rock. or nothing ended up being the way i pictured it at first. but i'm pretty happy how it turned out. it will just keep upgrading while i go along!






current live stock - fish

2 firefish
1 tail spot blenny
1 flame angel
i've changed the aquascape and decided on going NEOZEO method.

instead of the vertex reactor will be going with phosban reactor 550.
so far i haven't lost anything or see any signs of disease or major stress. the corals look somewhat happy again. but my temp readings are still displaying pretty low. my coralife temp broke and my temp from my RKL needs to be calibrated properly again. so not 100% on the temp readnigs. though the water feels somewhat warm but not what it usually feels like.
going all out SPS

mheaven inspired. <<awesome SPS Tank

got my first SPS frag pack from him:

Pink Lemonade
Mheaven Deep Water Lokani
ATL Shades of Fall
Hulk Acro
ATL Purple Bonsai
Pink Millie
Upscale Microlados
ORA Rose Millie
Macna Unknown
+ free Coral

will take pictures of the corals tonight! ;D