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Hockeynut's new 90 gal build


NJRC Member
Well it's been a while I haven't posted any updates on the tank recently it's going good but a couple fish in. And also started to Put some Corals in, I had a small amount of Hair algae starting but I put in a bunch of snails in and seems to be okay. I also put a fairy wrasse in that I had in quarantine for the past two months he's been in the tank for a couple weeks now and of course just the other day showed signs of ich. Just goes to show you that even a couple of months of quarantine can't keep a fish from getting it.
Otherwise everything seems great No other fish show signs of it. I'll be watching closely
Coral seem to be doing great everything is coloring up nicely Water parameters seem pretty good, phosphate might be a tad higher than I like to see at .13 But I'm waiting on a new GFO reactor to combat that.
I decided to ask for some help in rearranging my rock work and posted a thread, Hopefully somebody with a little experience and imagination will come give me a hand to rearrange the rocks so that I'll like it a little more.
I'm still running metal halide lighting Still deciding which LEDs I will go with I'm leaning towards the Vegas but it's a lot of money.
This is the most recent picture I have of the tank
I have a Fishtrap in there at the moment trying to catch a couple of chromous that I put in there earlier that I decided that I was going to take out.
The funny part about it is I borrowed the trap from Mark at ultra corals to catch the wrasse to treat him but decided to leave them in the tank and try to naturally let him fight it off and he's been going in and out of the trap since the moment I put it in The tank.
The pair of chromous that I want to catch will just swim outside the front of the trap And not go inside Anyway here's the picture of the tank



Gold Sponsor
Ultimate Corals but thats ok :) . Try not feeding the tank for a couple days and then put the food in the trap. That will usually get every fish in the tank to at least pop in for a quick meal.


NJRC Member
Well finally got my Vegas running I figured I would set up a couple of pictures, There are set on acclimation mode for the coral so there's a pretty low but they still look great, The light rail is it do-it-yourselfer welded conduit that goes through the stand so that it can Pivot out-of-the-way. The lights are set at 9 inches off the water. The acclamation mode I set is set for a month to go up to 70% of full power right now they're set to reduce 40% of that 70.


I have a little bit of Hair algae starting but I got my GFO reactor Back online, I hope that it doesn't get any worse..
So hopefully he'll start to diminish a little


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
looking good! keep an eye out on that RBTA, might walk around to adjust to the new lights. you dont want that to sting any of your new corals!


NJRC Member
So far I love them they're really awesome to look at they have a great color when you turn them up they have an incredible amount Of light I don't think there's any need for any more light than that
As far as that BTA judeo Since I put in the tank the day of the meeting it's moved five or six different times already it's been on the rock over the rock around the back of the tank that thing is moving like crazy. I can't keep track of its movements. It's it's moved since I took that picture. I'm sure it'll settle it on the spot and hopefully not move around too much more. Hopefully that won't be on top of one of my nice corals I just got. You going to come down one day to get that light I have for you? What are you doing this weekend maybe Sunday.

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus

Looking good! :D

I'm running the following:

I'm about 1/2 way through a 2 month 30% reduced acclimation.


NJRC Member
Thanks Brian
I'm running
W 70
Red and green 25
B 60
Rb 60
DB 60

Do you think I should increase to a 2 month acclimation remember I was running two 250 Mh and 4 54w t5s ?

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Are you doing the regional time setting and what is your ramp time set to?

Keep an eye on your corals, they will tell you what you need to do, if anything. If they start to bleach, reduce the lights more. If they start losing color, increase the lights a little.

Turning on the "Weather" will also help with acclimation. I have weather set to 30% chance with no lightning. ;)


NJRC Member
I don't have it on the regional time setting I couldn't see that I guess that might be in the manual mode I haven't hooked my controller up to the computer yet either. I have a three hour ramp time so it takes a long time to ramp up the lights. I also have the weather on No lightning. My lights Start to turn on at eight in the morning and go to seven at night. The controller is set for daylight savings time. Where do you find the settings for regional Times.

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You most likely have to update the firmware on the controller. It's easy to do on a PC. Download the file, plug in the controller, delete the old config file and drag and drop the new file to the controller.

The controller might also update the firmware on the lights themselves. If it does you will have to reconfigure the lights and set them up again, Left, Left +1.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
You going to come down one day to get that light I have for you? What are you doing this weekend maybe Sunday.

I might actually come down this weekend or maybe the following weekend. I need to visit Ultimate Corals for some stuff.


NJRC Member
It's been a while since I last posted, the tank has come a long way. I picked up a ton of pieces at the swap. And got my brs dosers on line about a week ago and am adjusting the levels by testing daily. I'm also trying to decide if the LEDs are really the way to go. I really love a lot about them but there are things that I'm just not sure about. They look great and power usage is low but the shadows are crazy. To the point where one side of a coral looks good and the other is shaded and doesn't look so good. Maybe it's just to soon so I will let them rip for a while longer, (probably a long while) as I do believe things do take time. I have noticed a lot of talk of guys going back to t-5s and the general thought is the coverage is so much better
Also some of my corals look a little bland and have lost some of there color. I really can't figure why they would be loosing color, good light brought on slowly, really stable water parameters, phosphate-0, nitrate-0, cal-420, alk-8.6, mag-1300, sal-1026
A friend said to me that maybe the water is to clean. Can this really be the problem? I'm at a loss
I haven't tried dosing any supplements for my sps I do target feed my lps but not really any sps.
I tried up loading pics from photo bucket but had no luck. Maybe it's because I use an I pad and not a computer, if anyone know how to achieve this please help well here's some new pics


Sorry for all the blue, the lights started ramping down when I was taking the pics. Also I'm using my I pad to take pics