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iTzJu's 80 Gallon Lagoon Display Tank Build

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Sorry to hear this. Doesn't make sense to sell only to buy again. I shot you a txt about that. Let me know if I can help.
come one Judeo....dont break it down man and if you do dont sell anything. As soon as you move and get settled you will want another tank. Take it from me....I've been without a tank for 9 months now and its killing me!


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
As much as I do want to keep the tank, I just wouldn't have the space for it in the new place. I will be looking into a smaller tank when I do move. I'll probably keep somethings for future use but most will be sold.

My cousin will be setting up a cube tank so I'll see how the goes for him and I might consider something similiar.
Sorry to hear man. i have a small 12 gal tank if you want me to hold some corals. but best of luck with the move. when you go looking at houses, your number 1 priority should be where to put the new tank. lol.
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