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my 54 RR corner


I'm Steve. i got into this hobby about 2.5yrs ago. i started out with a 29g FO then slowly added live rock and futher down the line easy corals. about a year and a half ago i got a 54g RR coner tank/stand/filter/light/glass top for $400 bucks from a Petco i used to work at, not bad. so its been up about 1.5yrs now. learned alot from Reef Central and finally made my way over here. so, Hi.



wow - nice tank!


we have a meeting coming up on 1-24 if you can make it. Open to members and non-members alike.
Eyyyy Stevey-Nice....

Glad to see you made it over :D

Tank looks a lot better than in the pictures... a ton more coraline as well lol.

PS: post pics of that new guy NAO!
heres the sump . .

its a 15g high tank. water comes in, through a filter sock, into the fuge, over to the Octopus NW-110 skimmer and back to the tank. i occasionally and some Kent carbon passively in to the sump, between baffles.
thanks JRWOHLER, depending on which green one, at the top its agreen Acro mille and twards the bottom are nuclear green palys.

yeah wendy that is a ORA red planet. i saw some grow out shots on reef central and just had to have one. still not sure where its gonna go but it seems perfectly happy on the frag rack for now.
so the blue milli (thats what were going with) got fragged up today. gonna make sure they are all ok for like a week, then ill have some frags for sale/trade. ill get pics up later.
so only 2 of the 5 frags made it :-[ but the 2 that made it seem to be doing fine.

got a few newbies.

someone came into work the other day with some red and purple monti cap frags for sale. got me a red one looks real nie. by the way if he comes acroos this, ill take some purple next time around.

also got a signal goby too. saw him at work, knew he wouldnt last long there so i brought him home. hes is doing great. made a few burrows and now has settled into 1. under a zoa colony right in front. keeps the sand nice and clean. i was worried about my yellow watchmen goby going after him but he only bothers the signal when he goes RIGHT infront of his burrow/clam.
yep. he is a sand sifting machine, built 2 burrows within 2 days. he is eating live brine, i hope he will switch to frozen too, my mandarin did (ZOE or Selcon soaked ofcourse). he does seem to eat frozen cyclops, goes crazy when i feed it. i know he gets some that falls onto the sand. his main burrow is by a low flow spot that things like to settle in. which worked out pretty well for me, he keeps it nice and clean