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My new 40 breeder

Sooooo my new wrasse has decided to host my rbta with the clowns and my new cardinal is hosting my long spine urchin....,is that wired or what? Lol

Twisteds 40 breeder


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Cardinals in an urchin is normal, wrasse in a RBTA well that could be trouble.


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NJRC Member
Newbie question....

How can a wrasse (or any other fish besides the clowns) host an anemone? Unless its an anemone predator? Wouldnt the anemone eventually eat it or sting it to death?


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
The rule %99 of the time is that clowns host nems nothing else. RBTA are not strong stingers and if the fish can develop a resistance to the stings, it will be fine. There was an article a bit ago about an angel hosting a carpet, so it happens occasionally. In the wild people have found cardinals hosting nems as well.
It's odd to see my clowns all buddy buddy with it. Real weird

Twisteds 40 breeder
The rule %99 of the time is that clowns host nems nothing else. RBTA are not strong stingers and if the fish can develop a resistance to the stings, it will be fine. There was an article a bit ago about an angel hosting a carpet, so it happens occasionally. In the wild people have found cardinals hosting nems as well.

Interesting. In my tank the clowns host the nem, the hammer, pagoda, and some palays. So far the wrasse is following. Brushing the nem very lightly do I guess it's building up it's immunity

Twisteds 40 breeder
Awesome job!!!

Thankyou! Since downsizing from the 180, reefing has been so much more enjoyable. It's fun doing a big tank but I think many of us get lost in the glam of going bigger and better.....for me, a 40 breeder is perfect.
I do have a cool little nano that I'll be tying in that will be for softies and some cool little gobies and stuff. That project is already started :)

Twisteds 40 breeder
Interesting. In my tank the clowns host the nem, the hammer, pagoda, and some palays. So far the wrasse is following. Brushing the nem very lightly do I guess it's building up it's immunity

Twisteds 40 breeder
My clowns host my orange crush Acan colony they actually lay flat on it. First time I saw it I thought they were dead....
Lol, mine will do that on my pagoda. It's funny watching them lay on it. Clowns are funny ;-)

Twisteds 40 breeder


This unknown sps is quickly becoming a favorite. I got it from ao a few months ago and it was just brown. I thought it was cool because of the hand shape growth. The pic is poor but the bad has turned almost golden with rusty polyps with the top turned blue with pearl colored polyps.
Here's a shot of my red planet aka zombie planet and it's neighbors
I can't get rid of the ha that made residence on a few tips but drop a snail on each to keep it at bay


Twisteds 40 breeder