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New tank! (40 breeder)

So I was going to look at my war coral and see how he was adjusting to my tank, and I see this little surprise behind him. Its a zoa ! And not just any zoa, nuke greens. I actually screamed. Their one of my favorites, the must have not opened up last night when Xavier put them in and he didn't tell me he got them either! Thanks for the surprise!!! uploadfromtaptalk1380305957691.jpg
The day my clowns entered my tank. Right away, snowball, basically all white loved the tank and explored naturally. Patches, who's name explains her well, went hiding in a rock for a while but come out right before bed time. Their absolutely beautiful and I couldn't be happier. In addition to them, I got a whole bunch of zoas, some montis and some other sps.

Xavier and I had a great night with our good friend and fish buddy spideybry! Thank you for everything bry!

I will post pictures tomorrow!
Pics won't post for her right now so Ill throw some I have up.


I love his mohawk haha

yes and yes Mnat

gotta adjust her camera's white balance lol. that or get the dslr over there after the swap for some real pictures of everything.

coming along well, diatoms are setting in though -.-
Well the frag swap was a huge success for both Xavier and I. We both got frags we both enjoy from zoas to chalices to many different "sticks." We ended up getting over 20 frags and a new clown aka dino since my other one passed away, and a baby star fish!

Pictures below :)



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