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Seahorses and Zoa's 29 Gallon Build


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Filtration wise I think you'll be fine.You really don't want the tank going over the 74 degrees if you can help it. 74 is the upper end of their temperature limits in a home aquarium. Running it that high leaves you zero room for a temperature spike. High temperatures have a nasty habit of sparking bacterial infections in seahorses.

Don't be afraid to let it go below 72 degrees either, none of my seahorse tanks have heaters and they will drop as low as 68 in the winter time with no ill effects to the seahorses.

If you feel that you do have to run a heater, then please put a guard over it. Seahorses will hitch onto anything and an uncovered heater can cause a nasty burn.

Also if you found on Seahorse.org that it said 75 was the optimal temperature, please provide a link to that information. Last time I looked, they were recommending 72-74 for tropical species.
Ooops, sorry. I found that on seahorse.COM. I keep my condo at 65 during the winter and the tank is in the spare bedroom/computer room. That room gets colder than that in the middle of the night so i think the heater might be necessary for at least winter. maybe i'll unplug it for a night or two and see what my results are.

hey matt: could you provide me a link to any tank pics you may have? just looking for ideas on planting.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I haven't taken pics in a while, but here's a few older ones. I'll try to get some more pics this week.





These 2 tanks are in my bedroom which get's cold in the winter time as I keep my window open all year, hence the heaters. Without them the tanks were getting down around 64-65 so had to put them in.