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Kids got the itch back...

Thanks mnat...I took the sponge out.of the AC.tonight which in turn kinda clouded up the tank. I'm looking at the test results as I type and the Nitrates are still high. I'm thinkinf the sponge was holding them in so ill let the tank fikter and check in another day or so. I put another bag of carbon and a phos remover bag in there as well. ill take a pic of tbe tank when its a little more clear. I've been topping off with salt and the SG stands at 1.023. I think that's good enough for now. No diatom bloom or algae...fingers crossed.
You may want to put it back in.
The sponge was acting as a host for de-nitrifying bacteria.
If you put it back in, it will act as a trap for detritus, but it will also continue to host the good denitrifying bacteria.
Just my two cents from having done this before.
IMHO, the sponge is more good than bad.
It is going to trap some detritus, which means some matter that would produce Ammonia which is broken down to nitrites and then to nitrates, but it is also providing space for the denitrifying bacteria to reside. That is one of the reason people who are "instant cycling" a tank will re-use an old sponge from an up & running system- the sponge is already colonized with bacteria, and by moving it into the new tank, they move a colony of bacteria in to consume the ammonia and convert the NH3 to NO2 and then from there to NO3. Back in the day, sponges, bio-balls, ceramic rings, etc. were used to give the bacteria space to colonize in addition to rock and sand.
This is the same reason people will re-use "live" rock and "live" sand from an existing tank- the rock is already colonized with bacteria, as is the sand.
Gotcha...its back in after briefly being taken out. Glad I posted about that. I thought the tunze would feel a little more powerful when I put my hand near it in the tank. It wasn't antthing that great...but if my corals like it I'm sold lol. Tried hooking up my okd ac 110...its a beast and was wayyyyy too much flow....plus something is wrong with the impeller....very loud. Hooked the other AC back up and I'm hoping it clears ip the tank by morning.
I like how the powerheads moved your sand around. Looking good.
I'm on the waiting stage as well on my tank.

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Thanks guys. I'm really happy with how things are coming along. One of the powerheads is kinda noisy...making like a vibrating mechanical noise. Hopefully its the tunze and it just needs to break in. Nothing to do now but wait for these nitrates to disappear. After that Ill add the first clown and take it from there. Any thoughts on that noise?
Just getting home from work...it seems a little more quiet now. I think it was the AC getting sand in the propeller. I could deal with the little bit of noise now. Obviously there will be some when running two powerheads and the filter. I've been seeing this white build up on the glass...wiped the front of the tank down bc it was a little blurry seeing into the tank
...but the sides and back still have it. Any idea what that is?
Funny you posted....I was just about to ask if its still normal to have my nitrates at the highest they can be? Everytime I test I get the deep red color when I'm looking for yellow. Its been at least 2 weeks since my nitrites and ammonia have read 0. I'm all for patience. ..but I would like to know if this is normal or should I maybe consider testing with a different kit?
Funny you posted....I was just about to ask if its still normal to have my nitrates at the highest they can be? Everytime I test I get the deep red color when I'm looking for yellow. Its been at least 2 weeks since my nitrites and ammonia have read 0. I'm all for patience. ..but I would like to know if this is normal or should I maybe consider testing with a different kit?

Did you do a BIG water change after the nitrites hit 0?
Funny you posted....I was just about to ask if its still normal to have my nitrates at the highest they can be? Everytime I test I get the deep red color when I'm looking for yellow. Its been at least 2 weeks since my nitrites and ammonia have read 0. I'm all for patience. ..but I would like to know if this is normal or should I maybe consider testing with a different kit?

Sounds like the tank is ready for some livestock! If you have some LFS that are near to you, bring some of your water so they can test it as well. If they say you're good to go, start with a cleanup crew. Good luck!!
Did you do a BIG water change after the nitrites hit 0?

No I did not. I was thinking of doing a 50% change. BuGG....I wanted to wait until the levels were at 0. Would it be useful to have a cleanup crew even though I'm not putting any food in or have any diatoms or algae at this time?
do the change before you put anything in. if you've got nitrates in the 100+ range the inverts aren't going to take to kindly to it.
also start slow with the CUC. if you buy a bunch at once they wont have much to feed on & will just die off.

Do the change, add a fish or 2 & about 1/3 of the CUC you think youll need, & go from there.