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"If you want to upgrade your tank I want you to upgrade my front porch!"


NJRC Member
I found boat deck hinges that claimed to be all stainless. Overkill probably and they were pricey but no evidence of rust. My door hinges were regular HD cabinet hinges and the ones near the overspray from my sump rusted beyond repair in about a year. I guess I'd do the SS. At least it should last longer and if the pin rusts you won't have oxidized copper flakes getting I the tank. I wouldn't want unstable copper "over" the tank
95% done the hood!!!




I just have to install a wood strip around inside bottom. to keep it from slipping all the way down the tank. I was thinking an inch or two.
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Great idea with the wood vents. They go well with the cover. I may consider the same for mine, thanks.

Thanks. the top ones are plastic oak looking and the one is wood. I didn't want to leave the back open for ventilation and was walking around Lowes and got the idea. I figure the winter I can close them and the summer open them
Should I put a coat of spar urethane on the inside of the canopy also? I have three coats of Kills 2 on it already. Just wasn't sure if I should put the spar on also.
You could it with the urethane just to make it more washable. I don't know if those primers are washable or meant to be
I realized that I am going to have to run electric into the canopy for the lights and I always put 2 little 4" usb desk fans on each side for circulation in the summer.

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Rocks out! Man that was a PIA!!

Getting the RBTA was an even more of a pain but me and Gabe got it....

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Clean work in the presence of youth.....impressive. For a guy you must be able to multitask. Highly valuable, but do to let the women know!
Gabe & I are outnumbered 4 to 2 in our house. Us guys need to stick together with 3 daughters, one wife, and a female French Bulldog!
Gabe & I are outnumbered 4 to 2 in our house. Us guys need to stick together with 3 daughters, one wife, and a female French Bulldog!

I got one alpa personality wife, two girls....no boys. So in 10 years I get two in puberty and one in menopause! I will be forever on my rider mower, oh yeah.sigh
11 yr girl, 9 yr girl, 3 yr BOY, 1 yr girl. I started out with a man room, then moved to a man attic, and now i have a man desk that is covered in pretty colored duct tape.
11 yr girl, 9 yr girl, 3 yr BOY, 1 yr girl. I started out with a man room, then moved to a man attic, and now i have a man desk that is covered in pretty colored duct tape.

I paint nails.....really well too. Oh, what have I done.lol
I don't know what happened to my sweet 11 year old. I am waiting for her head to spin in circles and pea soup to come flying out!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
OK you two pansies, let me give you the advice my father gave me years ago:

You’re the one who wanted to play house! Live with it!

Oh yeah, he was a World War II Marine! Growing up in our house, he was the Drill Sergeant, and my sister and I were two of his PFC's. :nervous
very well put.
OK you two pansies, let me give you the advice my father gave me years ago:

You’re the one who wanted to play house! Live with it!

Oh yeah, he was a World War II Marine! Growing up in our house, he was the Drill Sergeant, and my sister and I were two of his PFC's. :nervous
we have girls 13 and 15 and it's a traumatic time for us adults. i never imagined how much one person could argue about absolutely nothing.