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Recent content by Sixline123

  1. Sixline123

    Designer black and white clownfish

    I forgot what strain... maybe a black ice...Ive had him for 5+ years eats well and was spawning with my old clown before she jumped... its been 3 years now and he is not getting along with my baby gladiator clown... what kind of clown is this
  2. Sixline123

    Yellow watchman goby

    Thanks ill have to stop by some of these places and take a look
  3. Sixline123

    Yellow watchman goby

    Do you normally have luck at that petco with good looking fish? Petco can be so okay or a complete miss
  4. Sixline123

    Yellow watchman goby

    Has anybody seen a yellow watchman goby in any nj stores recently? The two stores i visit never seem them. I would like to pick one up and if the store also has pistol shrimp that would be a bonus!
  5. Sixline123

    skimmer suggestions

    how deep do you have the skimmer at and how open is the gate and the air control valve? I have mine in a 43 gallon system and love it, but I have a low bioload. Ive had problems with my reef octopus skimmer on a past 70 gallon tank..i forgot what model it was ... the screws rusted and the outlet...
  6. Sixline123

    skimmer suggestions

    what dont you like about the icecap?
  7. Sixline123

    My 55 reef

    Thanks! I figured it was either islands or rock wall with a narrow tank. Maybe wanted to add some branching tonga lr so it isn't so triangle looking. Do you have any idea where to keep a bazooka joe chalice? I have an ati 4 bulb fixture with ati bulbs and at first had it on my sandbed and it...
  8. Sixline123

    My 55 reef

    Just wanted to post a picture and see what everybody thinks.
  9. Sixline123

    Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

    I live in monmouth county.. The beach clean up sounds pretty cool! It's nice to know people care about are beaches here in nj. Every time I go to the beach to hang out, fish or surf I like to pick up at least one piece of trash. Hopefully I will be up to make it and make some new friends!
  10. Sixline123

    Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

    Hey everybody! My name is Ryan I'm new to the forum. I have a 55 reef which I started on January 11, 2014. All my fish and some coral were from an old tank but I started with all new live rock since the old rock was leeching horribly. Thing are finally starting to settle down and the tank coming...