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Recent content by tydtran

  1. T

    Geisemann VERVvE Plus

    I am interested in the light. Can you text me at 917-805-6713. I'm not far from you and would like to arrange a time to look at the light.
  2. T

    80g shallow tank, drilled with ghost overflow and stand/sump

    Sorry, Columbus NJ. I'm about an hour south of you. Can you PM your address.
  3. T

    80g shallow tank, drilled with ghost overflow and stand/sump

    Is this setup still available? I'm definitely interested. How close are you to Columbus, N?
  4. T

    Don't worry babe, The tank won't have any overflows so it can't flood.

    Not sure if this applies but if you have an all in one kind of setup, make sure that the chamber housing your return pump does not fall below minimum level while your're gone.
  5. T

    Bubble algae issue

    Bubble algae is kind of a magical plant. It requires minimal light, and reducing nitrates and phosphates doesn't make any difference. The only thing that has worked for me is to remove where I see it, but you have to be careful to do so without breaking the bubble. Otherwise, you'll just seed...
  6. T

    Sad news for the reefing community...

    Thanks for brining the subject up. I think that the effect of global warming on oceans is something we should all be better informed about. I seems to me that the effect on sealife is unpredictable. As avg. temps rise, certain existing reefs will be severely damaged. However, zones which...
  7. T

    The Solution is Dilution

    While it is true that a 50 gallon water change will get out more waste than five 10 gallon waters changes, I think the difference is not enough to make up for the disruption in water chemistry stability. Big swings can have a worse effect on fish and corals than absolute levels. I will stick to...
  8. T

    Just putting it out there....

    Hi Bill, When you see the price advertised this way, you really start to wonder about the price of our fish food. I can get myself a nice steak dinner for less than 18.00 per pound :). Fish can be had for a few dollars a pound. Scallops for less than 10 dollars a pound. Clams, mussels, oysters...