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Recent content by Vikki

  1. V

    Vikki's Nano

    Will try that. Want to rearrange the tank this weekend anyway.
  2. V

    Vikki's Nano

    Can't do any of that. This is a pretty small nano tank, maybe 15g at most and a tall 13x13 at that. I have no "under" at all, its on an end table in the living room. What I will end up doing down the road is just ditching it and moving to a larger tank, maybe a 25. For now I have to deal with...
  3. V

    Vikki's Nano

    Yeah, that's where I got it and that's why I got it. because the guy at AF said "look how great this one works". Tried everything and managed to lessen the bubbles but not remove them entirely. :-\
  4. V

    Vikki's Nano

  5. V

    Vikki's Nano

    Yes it is a maxijet
  6. V

    Vikki's Nano

    No idea, what's an MJ 900/1200? ???
  7. V

    Vikki's Nano

    Great, I just paid $150 for it. Not like I can just toss it or have the money to buy a new one.
  8. V

    Vikki's Nano

    Anyone? No ideas on this one?
  9. V

    Vikki's Nano

    Here's a pic of the skimmer. You can see the bubbles I'm talking about in the pic....
  10. V

    Vikki's Nano

    Oh, and Bryan gave me his maroon clown, who immediately hosted the mystery anemone. Both look happy and healthy. Oh, and my fire scallop is thriving still as well. ;D
  11. V

    Vikki's Nano

    OK, at the behest of a few of you, I went out and bought a protein skimmer for my nano. I got the cyclone I think its called. Looks like a water tornado inside? Took some doing getting it onto the tank as its only 13" x 13" and the pump already takes up much of the back of the tank. Bryan ended...
  12. V

    Vikki's Nano

    After looking into it, it does look most like a white sebae. Thanks for the info!
  13. V

    Vikki's Nano

    Did my first major water test now that we have them all. Here are my results: Temp 78.7 Salinity 1.026 Ammonia 0 Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 pH 8 PO4 1 Calcium 440 Alkalinity 4.91 Mg 1200 KH 13.8
  14. V

    Vikki's Nano

    The guy at the LFS said it was a candylactus, we stopped by there tonight. Have to do some research and see if he is correct.
  15. V

    Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

    Wow, there's been a huge rush of new members, that's cool! Looks like I joined here just in time. Welcome to all the newcomers. We've got a great bunch of people here, very helpful and fun to chat with. Feel free to join in the insanity. ;D