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Search results

  1. B

    WTT Six Line Wrasse

    I am looking to trade him for like 2x Peppermint shrimp or some kind of soft coral frag. Let me know either here or via pm i am located in south jersey.
  2. B

    Worms & Weird Tank Discovery (NEED IDS)

    Thanks for the information on the sponge. As for the Worms, it is possible that it is a spionid but i am not too sure because mine had a million little feet. I am going to look for a camera with a macro function and try to post a picture as soon as possible. Once again thank you very much for...
  3. B

    Worms & Weird Tank Discovery (NEED IDS)

    think i should remove it?
  4. B

    Worms & Weird Tank Discovery (NEED IDS)

    During my latest water change i noticed a few small white/transparent worms too tiny to photograph. I have not added anything new to my tank in 4 months and when i do i use iodine based coral dips. Additionally, when i started my tank over a year ago i used both dry rock and dry sand. So i kinda...
  5. B

    Soft Coral Tear

    well thanks alot guys ima get on that right now
  6. B

    Soft Coral Tear

    Yesterday, i had a semi emergency in my tank and during that time i knocked over my Pineapple tree coral. Due to it being situated on few pieces of rock as opposed to a frag plug it is kind of difficult to work with and this lead to several failed attempts to get it back in it spot with the...
  7. B

    Palau Neon Green Nepthea

    so i just picked up this amazing coral from LA but i was curious about it placement. I have it in a direct flow about 10 inches away from a marineland reef capable light. It says moderate lighting on the LA website and i have it directly under my light but half under the center brace of my tank...
  8. B

    Reef Dipping

    Yeah i just use Brightwell Aquatics Lugols Solution. this is my first soft coral and i wanted to make sure i did it right.
  9. B

    Reef Dipping

    So far i have dipped all my reef but they were SPS. I know this may sound dumb but do you dip soft corals? i just picked up a Neon Green Palau Nephthea from live aquaria ( got a bday gift certificate for em) and it is aqua cultured but just curious if there was a different kind of dip you had to...
  10. B

    Calcium Supplement

    Update: just so you guys now it appears i need o dose my tank 7ml a day.
  11. B

    Calcium Supplement

    yeah i used epoxy to adhere it to the rock.
  12. B

    Calcium Supplement

    As a side-note is it OK to place a coral sideways like this or does it have to be perfectly upright. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  13. B

    Calcium Supplement

    I think my problem goes back to my first coral i purchased. It small birdsnest frag that was severally damaged and dieing. I tried saving it and am still trying to but with very little success i think it was at a point of no return. My guess is due to it size and the actually amount of living...
  14. B

    Calcium Supplement

    Today i tested my water: it was at 340ppm very low. I took everyone's advice and started off with 5ml which bumped it up to 380 so i added 2 more ml and now it is at 400. Hopefully, it will remain at a constant daily consumption.
  15. B

    Calcium Supplement

    I have been testing everyday just trying to get a feel for consumption. My problem is the inconsistency.
  16. B

    Calcium Supplement

    yeah drops from the bottle. Like i said i estimated how much calcium it yielded from last time i added coral and i usually wait 30 minutes before i test again. I was hesitant to add the full 5ml per 50gallons like the bottle said. I assumed i should only use half since my tank is half the size...
  17. B

    Calcium Supplement

    To answer a few questions: I test before and after i add drops of calcium. So when i test the next day i know how much my calcium my tank has consumed. I am using Kent's calcium. I do about 10% water change a week. My tank is 25 gallons
  18. B

    Calcium Supplement

    Thanks dude i was really worried that it went bad. i am still worried though my i cannot seem to boost my calcium levels. Could that one new coral really be utilizing that much calcium. By the way that article you send was a really awesome and informative thanks for it.
  19. B

    Calcium Supplement

    yeah thus far today i have tested 7 times but i stopped adding calcium just in case i do not want to over dose the tank
  20. B

    Calcium Supplement

    i forgot to add the other day i left the calcium bottle slightly open for an extended period of time could the air had an effect on it?