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Anemone streaching? Looking for light? What do you think?

My Maroon his having a good ol' time in this new Anemone ... but it appears he's streatching a bit. Typically, he's more flowing, laying in that corner ... but lately he looks like he's looking for light. True? What do you think? He isn't moving around, seems to like that corner ... should change anything?




In my expeirence clowns can sometimes tend to force the anemone to look like that. If you check the pic it looks like an umbrella.

My clowns do that if they dont like where the anemones attaches too.
if he's not walking then he must be happy enough. if it is always stretched than usually that is an indication of needing more light but if it's only occasionally prob not a lighting issue.

I'm always amazed by the shear number and quality of your tanks sandy and the Live cams put it over the edge :p :)
Ds and Sandy Stretching is not all that abnormal for any bubbletip, in the wild they contort their foot all the way down into the rock and crown above the rocks to get light.

Im not sure that this is a result of needing more light either, as ds said if its not moving then theres nothing to worry about.