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Caclium Reactor

I have been using a Kent Turbo Calcium along with super buffer dkh and recently tried using Kent Marine's two part alk and CA buffer. With either of these calcium and alkalinity supplements. I still cannont consistantly get my Calcium levels past aroudn 350 however. I am thinking of switching to a calcium reactor and am wondering what is a good cheaper reactor for me to go with. Any tips on setting it up and the effects it will have on my system will be great as well! Thanks
I too had a problem not to long ago and someone asked me if my magnesium was low, sure enough it was and once I raised it, I was able to get the calcium where I wanted. Check you Mag. and try using Tropic Marin to raise your calcium. Out of all other calcium buffers it was the best I've used. You will still need to get the calcium where it needs to be before using the reactor, all the reactor does for me is keep it at the level I want it. The cheapest reactor I found is the coralife ones. You'll still need a co2 bottle and regulator. PH controller came in handy also.