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Drip acclimation -- a discussion


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
As we have started to get more expensive fish recently we have been drip acclimating all of them over the course of 45 mins or so. All the fish are doing well and we have not had one problem.

Corals we just float and pour some water in and they have been doing fine.
i drip acclimated the two hippos and the cleaner shrimp for th ebig tank and used the seachem anti stress.. let them go for an hour or so and in they went.. no problems so far.
i drip acclimate everything!! it sometimes coat a lot, sometimes it's cheap. but whatever the cost, they are still living creatures! and they deserve our best effort possible to keep them!!
I think it helps with the stress along with the 4 hour lights out that i do.I also feed the tank before they go in and use SeaChem Stress guard while dripping them
After I saw that guys Fiji video showing corals sitting out of the water for hours every day, I thought:

"Why do we spend hours messing with these things before putting them in the tank?"

Mother nature hits em with one big wave....acclimation done.
There are a lot of factors that determine it for me... I'll usually take a quick refractometer reading of the water they're in to see how much difference there is. Zoanthids are generally a hardier coral than most, so I find little need to acclimate them at all, but a nice SPS with a difference in salinity I'll drip for awhile.

Also, if a coral gets stuck on a loading dock for 2 days, the temp and pH can be an issue and I'll do a drip, but if I go 10 minutes from the LFS on a warm day, I'll barely temp acclimate.

Dipping is a totally separate issue. If it comes from an LFS it's getting dipped, any unknown source potentially adds stuff to my tank that I don't want. If it comes from a trusted source, I won't go through as much trouble.

Just my thoughts...