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ETSS 600 skimmer info


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Ok I am done playing around with my MRC-2 skimmer. I am looking in getting a ETSS 600 skimmer at very good price.
It will go on my 180 gallon reef tank. I will use my Blueline 55 pump with it.
Any info about this skimmer would be great.
I use an ETSS 600 skimmer on my 125 gal reef. It does a good job, especially when compared to the Red Sea Berlin that was in use previously.

I did find that to keep a constant water level in the skimmer, the skimmer should be raised, so that the output from the skimmer is above the water level in the sump. I went overboard here, and placed the skimmer on a platform about a foot tall. It only really needed about 6 inches.

I do find that I need to clean the L air intake from time to time. Also the mini bioballs in the downdraft tower need cleaning or replacement once or twice a year. To get the balls out easily, I bent a coat hanger in the shape of a J and used it to pull out the bioballs.

I also made one minor modification. I added a threaded nylon screw to hold the top of the downdraft tower on securely.

The skimmer is generally easy to clean, but the box base does need to get flushed out once and awhile. For general cleaning of the skimmer, a baby bottle brush works well. A small tubing cleaner brush works well on the skimmate output and tube to the collection container.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Thanks for the info I might be fallen into a ETSS 800 I will see.
DaveK do you have a photo of the threaded nylon screw to hold the top of the downdraft tower on securely. Sounds like a good thing to do.