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Long tentacle anemone

I picked up a decent size long tentacle anemone. I am running a 120 gal 24 inch tall tank with T-5 lighting. Any suggestions on where to place this guy. Do they like lots of light near top, middle or on sand. Also does it prefer heavy water flow or is less better?


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
They will move around to a spot of their liking. I would try and place him on a rock and go from there. They like flow, but not heavy which will cause them to move.
An LTA wants to be in the sand.

They will move around for many reasons. Mine will stay put for 2-3 years and then just picks up and moves.

Make sure you feed it! ;)


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
I was at my LFS yesterday and was looking to get one of the LTA. However they discouraged me saying that these are hard to keep? They said that they may harm corals and if they de in the tank, they can destroy everything? Is this true?


NJRC Member
If by any chance the anemone does not make it, the signs of the dying anemone will be visible way before it dies and starts to deteriorate, and add to the downfall of the tank. I had a long tentacle anemone when i first started , it lived happy under power compacts, it never reached for the light, but when i got the halides on top of him he grew like a beast so be cautious that he will grow.
monroereef said:
I was at my LFS yesterday and was looking to get one of the LTA. However they discouraged me saying that these are hard to keep? They said that they may harm corals and if they de in the tank, they can destroy everything? Is this true?

Anemones in general require mature tanks with excellent water conditions. A dead anemone can foul a tank quickly, but the idea is not to let that happen by providing the correct conditions. ;)

LTA's like to move around and can sting other corals. I have mine in a tank with various soft corals, some of which can touch the LTA and not be damaged, and others that can. They are best kept in a species tank for LTA's.

As an aside I saw a very nice collection of LTA's in the NY Aquarium this weekend. ;D