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Multiple Angels


does anyone have multiple Angels in their tanks. I'm getting a pair of cherubs, Centropyge Argi,(that is after I rescape my tank), and want to really just have Angels in my tank. I know alot of peoiple say no to multiple Angels, and they eat corals, but not all do, and some will but only certain coral. I think a lot of fish nip at corals, but Angels get the blame all the time. So, who has multiple or pairs of angels in their tank(s). Post pics if you do. Even if you only have one, post pics.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Re: Multible Angels

We have one angel, a flame. Seems like a model citizen. We had another one for about 12 hours. Then she jumped out of the tank to her death. I think she was forced out by the flame.
Re: Multible Angels

I'll confess...

I have a Majestic angel and a coral beauty in my reef. I've had the coral beauty for over a year. I added the majestic about 3 months ago. He has not touch my corals. I have acans, sps and zoas in there. What I have been doing to keep him happy is heavy feeding through out the day. First thing in the morning I place a piece of seaweed. Then an hour after the lights come on auto feeder drops flakes and when I get come home I feed him clams. I also throw in some mysis every other day.
I'm changing more water every keep to help with the added bio load from feeding so much.
This is what is working for me, I'm not saying it is going to work in the long run and you should try it too.


NJRC Member
your majestic and coral beauty are 2 different types of angels. if you want to really see angels go at it than add a blue face angel.
I once had a 1/2 black, a cherub and Imperator in the same 90 I have now, way back then. The only corals I had were mushrooms, and plenty of caulerpa growing right in the tank. It was kept under control by the angels, so I never worried about it. Once when it did get unruly, I just pulled out the main rock is was one and trimmed it. It was great, way back then, sigh, lol. I've also had a cherub and Imperator together in the same tank. They fought one another a couple of time, but I guess after dominance was decided, the Cherub, they followed one another all the time. Hence my reason for trying again. I know the last fish I will add is the cherubs, they may be small, but aggressive is to say the least. So Jf2381, it's ok to have more than one angel.

But as for feeding them, I've been through that, and decided not to feed my tanks so ofter. Water changes are a pain in the neck. I feed every other day, sometimes. My fish seem to be happy. and no algae outbreaks have occurred since I started feeding this way.

Anybody else want to confess, the confessional is open, lol

I think that the only reason it's working out in such a small tank (90) is because the size difference in fish. The coral beauty is not stupid and he know his place. They have developed an alpha angel relationship. The majestic eats the seaweed first and then the coral beauty eats. I prefer keeping him nice a full and doing more water changes (10g per week) than doing less water changes and having him coming after my acan collection, 11 different acan lords and a few micros.

that's so cool. I see he has the dreaded Cherub, lol. Nah,they are great fish, just aggressive, especially for their size. I don't know alot of people who keep Dottybacks, hmmm, I might try that. Thanks for the link.

Anymore Angel lovers?

I have a coral beauty and an emporer in a 125. I know they are different types but they are fairly close in size at this point. Never had any problems with either going after the other one. My two clowns took a while to tolerate one another.
I have a Potters and a Goldflake Angel in my 90 with no issues at all.

Years ago I had a 90 gal salt only tank and had a Personifer, Emperor, Queen, Blue Face, Flame Angel with no issues at all between them. They probably didn't read the chapter in the book where it said that they won't get along.
One of my clients from when I worked at the pet shop actually had a Midnight, Flame, and Bicolor all in a 90G.

If you want to see a few large angels coexisting together, check out Tropiquarium! I know they have one huge, uber French angel in a tank as well as one other (for some reason, the second angel is escaping my memory... little help?) Apparently, the French is a model citizen when really well fed on a regular schedule- otherwise it'll nip at corals.

At the pet shop, we actually did a small experiment one time with the beautiful, but often snippy Coral Beauty angel. In the wild, they have been photographed and noted in groups. When the price dropped and had a huge quantity discount, we kept a school of six of them together in a large stock tank. Oddly enough, except for one that looked terrible even before we let it out of the bag (as in fins ripped apart and missing a gill plate), all of them did fairly well together.

People who had had success mixing Centropyge angels often note them requiring a larger tank to cohabitat, as well as ample rock crevasses and holes to establish territory. Although, I have never heard of anyone attempting to mix the rather pugnacious Cherub (aka Atlantic Pygmy) Angel with other varieties of Centropyge angels with any success.

G'luck if you decide to try. Just have a QT or second tank handy in the event that the angels decide to eject one another.
I have a five inch queen and a three inch french in a 120(5 ft) . they will be going to 210g tank i just bought yesterday from aquatic obsession. they have great prices. I also have a flame angel. the queen and french have been together about six weeks now and everything is good so far. the queen reminds him occasionally who's the boss but nothing major.
Must be nice to have enough room for a Queen and a French angel. They both can get to be rather large. Like the one at Trop, absolutely gorgeous. But, he's also a coral eater, well some corals. So, I imagine you are watching them both closely, lol.

As for me, I'll just stay with the pygmy angels, they are so much easier to maintain, imo
