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My 120 Now

Hi all. It's been quite a while since I last posted any pics so I thought I'd post my progress. Corals are still quite small but I am seeing some growth (finally) after changing the ballasts that came with my Oddysea bargain basement lights for a Blue wave dual ballast I picked up in the PA group buy. Its been a challenge to say the least but I licked the hair algae problem i had in late summer into fall, got my parameters stable and as I said improved my lighting. Hopefully I'll be able to post some pics of nice sized flourishing corals over time. Sorry for the crappy pics but I only have a point and shoot camera and the damn fish wouldn't stay still.

The Gold Rim tang is my favorite fish (even though he has a vendetta against my Chromis) - active and to my eye very pretty. The Christmas Wrasse has been in the tank since last April and has grown considerably and is a model citizen. I bought the Tamarin Wrasse last week without knowing how poorly they do in home aquariums. I feel badly about that because I try to plan my purchases a little better than that. So far he is doing fine and is eating brine shrimp. If anybody has had any success keeping one I'd appreciate any advice you can give.

Full Pic of Tank

Gold Rim/Powder Brown/Lollipop Tang

Chrstmas Wrasse

Yellow Tailed Tamarin Wrasse
Ya if you dont mind id like to see some equipment shots as well... plumbing sump size etc.. I also have a 120 so I am just wondering how other people are running their setups...
